Ethereum (ETH) Bitcoin (BTC) Market Analysis: Rising Starts and Comes to Recovery

Ethereum (ETH) Bitcoin (BTC) Market Analysis: Rising Starts and Comes to Recovery

The cryptocurrency market has surged 24.84% in the past 24 hours, followed by a 3.42% surge in market cap. The fast-growing trading volume started the new week thanks to the current stable market environment. As the risk of the Federal Reserve raising interest rates has weakened the market's influence, after a week of consolidation and repair, the crypto market has passed a stable period of declining trading, and this week has ushered in a new recovery period.

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Bitcoin (BTC) market analysis and interpretation:

Bitcoin is in a positive trend and faced a decline in trading last week, and the final closing result still stood at the 23,000 line. The next trend of Bitcoin is the same as yesterday's prediction. After a week of adjustment, it is expected to usher in a wave of small outbreaks this week. In terms of the trend, the price of stepping back and supporting below is rising as a whole, and an ascending triangle pattern is being formed. The short-term trend of the disk last week, the market was trapped by the 23500 first-line pressure. After breaking through this position within the day, the market rose all the way, and successfully stood at this position to achieve the transformation process of pressure support. During the day, we focused on the 23500 position to form a suppression support conversion and surged again. Opportunity.

Bitcoin (BTC) market outlook analysis:

Bitcoin intraday operations pay attention to the bottom and step back at the 23500 support position to enter the market, stop loss below 23000, and leave the market directly at the target 24200-24500 range; enter the market once with an empty order at the first rebound at 24650, stop loss above 25000, and focus on the target Take profit in batches at 24000-23800.

Interpretation of Ethereum (ETH) market analysis:

The overall trend of Ethereum is accelerated by the progress of the merger of Ethereum, and the trend is significantly stronger than that of Bitcoin when new merger progress data will appear on the 11th of this month. Although it shot up to 1750 last Friday and failed to stabilize, it fell back below the 1700 mark after a short-term step back. It also continued to rise with the low point of the step back, and entered the upward triangle trend ahead of schedule. Judging from the current disk trend, after the suppression of the impact high, there will be a wave of breakout rebounds and the desire to test the effective pressure at the 1800 position. Whether it can break through the 1800 position depends on whether the long-short conversion energy formed at the 1750 position is sufficient. Focus on the callback 1740-50 more than a single opportunity.

Ethereum (ETH) intraday part of the operation plan:

Ethereum (ETH) short-term strategy pay attention to the bottom and step back to the 1740 support position to enter the market, stop loss below 1700, and focus on taking profit in batches in the 1800-1820 range; the first rebound above the 1820 position to enter the market once, with a stop loss of 1850 Above the position, the target is to focus on taking profits in batches in the 1780-1760 range.


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