EP05. Hello, the phone is too far away, can you put it away first?



This episode starts from college and goes on. Because of the previous experience, I don't really believe in the school. I feel that the school can't give you anything at all, because you don't necessarily need the subjects it teaches. He doesn't care about what you want to learn these things. I feel like at that time, because like my high school, a lot of people are studying for those things. TQC is still something, I didn't have it at that time. The way to understand it is, why do you want to take the test? If you pass the test, what if you pass the test? That does not mean that you can prove the ability. You just meet this threshold. The premise is that what you want to do requires this threshold? For me, if you have something like programming, you only have one license, and there is no way to prove what it will be, unless it is like hardware decoration, or operating a cash register. That certificate might help a little bit, so even if the school was talking to the outside world all day, our school's pass rate was 90, 96, 99 percent, but I still didn't take the test. Because I think it's a waste of money, but it turns out who will look at that thing now? Well, this is just my personal opinion, so I think it's just a thing I have to do about school. It's just a responsibility, and then I gradually developed a feeling that it is better to rely on myself rather than relying on other people or the resources around me. After all, all my abilities are acquired by myself through the Internet and through books. , really few things are brought to me by the teacher.

individual case

film studio start

So when I got to college, I was still continuing to improve my personal abilities. At that time, my major was film. In addition to learning through some teaching, I felt that actual combat was also very important. At the beginning, because I was a As a student, then I don’t have any works to convince clients, so I just went to YouTube to find some videos made by Taiwanese, and then find some videos that I might be able to improve, and then privately message the author, Just tell him "Hey, what do I think about your video, so this is a suggestion, and if you want to modify it, I can modify it for you for free, and then modify it until you are satisfied", and then I also directly Showing my intention, because I want to accumulate my works, then there will definitely be a lot of people willing to give me this opportunity to do it. The ones I am looking for are not on the platform for receiving cases, so this is a vicious price cut. It doesn't seem to be the same. I'm looking for a film that I'm already making myself, and I don't have any need to outsource it. Then I go to talk to him. Through this method, I have accumulated a certain amount of work, and then I can start talking to others. After negotiating the price, I can gradually get to know the general people and what kind of sub-style videos the average customer likes. Then you will do these things faster and faster later, because you will have your SOP.

Actively increase exposure opportunities

Later, in my personal studio, because of the relationship with the website, there will gradually be some passive sources of cases, so that some unfamiliar customers will also think that you are a brand, not just a student coming out to do cases. , At that time, I thought that we can actually participate in the competition and increase the chance of exposure, so I started to find people, but at that time my school, I said, it is not a very good school, so I just It’s hard to find like-minded people, and some people are even distributed. Even if I don’t know why I went to this school, this problem needs to be solved, but with my current ability, I There was no way to directly prescribe the right medicine, so I started to attend some lectures, or something about film and television, and then there was a...a film and television association, they had just established, I got this information, and then I went to contact They, and then I held something like a briefing session for the first time. Most of the people who went there were teachers, professors, or someone from the TV station (a high-level executive). It was super awkward when I was there alone. It feels like a work-study student or something. I didn't expect that I was also one of the participants. The event was mainly because they wanted to set up this association, and then they hoped that everyone could help, and then how to help. I don't know the specific operation. Anyway, they finally let me be the first reviewer they were filtering some works, but it was only one of the paragraphs, but because of this thing, I knew that I could actually pay attention to things like associations, and on the other hand, there were also some researchers Is it? They seem to be a unit in Taiwan that wants to understand the film and television ecology, and then improve the film and television ecology. I have forgotten it, and then they need some interview content, and then some suggestions. Why do they find me? Maybe it's because of the website, which makes me look like a registered company, so they find me, so I will also go to their interviews. When I came into contact with information from the outside world, I slowly learned that the current film and television ecology is like this, and what problems I encountered, I wrote down all these problems, and just wanted to say that if there is a chance to improve in the future, I can pay attention to this. At a few points, I even took these questions as a breakthrough to write something similar to a business plan, a business plan, and then doing it day after day, some of my friends asked me, "Then you Why do you go to college? You are all doing your own thing, and the school stuff doesn’t seem to be of any substantial help to you.” At that time, I was very clear that I went to college for my cross-domain, not to start from scratch In the beginning, I can at least go out under the name of "undergraduate department", and I won't say that I originally wrote programs, eh? Why is it strange that you suddenly come to pick up my video case? That kind of I feel that I can say that I am an undergraduate student, and then I am making films. I think it should be easier to enter the industry after graduation, so I still chose to go to university at that time.

Choose career or further education

When I was about to graduate, I was faced with the question, should I choose a program or a video, and whether I should be a programmer or a video producer, I haven't figured it out yet, because both of them will be the same at the beginning. It is the creative part. I can do what I want, but after you do it, it becomes what the client wants. The developmental aspect is relatively low for me, and even the image is more subjective. If you think It looks good, and then the other party thinks it doesn't look good, then you have to cultivate it to look bad. After all, this thing is also subjective. I think many designers will feel this way, that is, they vomit blood, and at that time, it was me In the last episode, I know that I am a frog in the bottom of the well. I feel that there must be more powerful people and more powerful resources than me, but my current state is impossible to reach, and then I am very naive. I thought about various methods. One of the methods was that I was a senior at that time, and I felt that I would do my best if I wanted to, so I went to apply for the drop-transfer test of Taizhou University of Arts, and I wanted to drop into a junior year. Then I reread it, and even went to make up the credits. Those were all good. Of course, I knew that the success rate of this thing must be very low, but I still tried it. The result was that I didn't get it, so I just wanted to say "Okay. , there should be no hope, that's about it, I should quickly decide what I want to do after graduating from university", and then at this time, there was another friend, he applied for the graduate school, and he passed the exam A lot of times, I remember like there was one in November, then the second in March, it was a total of two chances, at that time it seemed that the first time was over, and then he didn't show up, he wanted to report the second time, and then I When he shared that I dropped the transfer test, it was just a topic of chat after dinner. He said that you can take the entrance exam to the graduate school, because some graduate schools do not necessarily only look at the grades, and he may be more concerned about your ability. He persuaded me for a long time, and even showed me the brochure, that is, there is a school whose reference standard is 50% of the documents for review, and then 50% of the interview, which means that you only need to send your documents to attend the interview. , you will know if you will pass, you don’t need to take the exam, you don’t need to take the design history test like the Taiwan Arts University, it’s still some deep content, and then the more I read it, I feel like it’s really worth it, but because The previous experience of Taiwan Arts University made me feel that I don't need to do this at all, it is a waste of time, and this opportunity does not belong to me, so I am also rejecting it, this rejection should be more like Is it because of low self-esteem, I feel that I don't have the ability, but my friends have always strongly suggested that I do this thing. After all, I have received so many cases, and the list of those things is also very impressive. At that time, I was very worried. The question is whether I should sign up or not.

Crossroads across four days

Later, on the last day, I thought it was alright, alright, I would take it as an accompaniment to the exam, or just take a gamble. Anyway, it’s not that I haven’t gambled before, and I knew I would lose something in high school, so I didn’t go to participate. , and then I actually went to sign up, I spent a day to produce those things, what research projects, and then I expected to plan my research career, and similar things, but it was my last day at that time, just When I didn’t have time, I went to the Internet to find some experiences shared by others, and I learned that the university and the research institute care about different things, and then the research institute is more concerned about which point, and then I went to find a main axis , I write all about that main axis, for example, I want to study something, and I am very interested in that thing, and then I write my plan beautifully, of course, there is still a little bit of watering, after all, I At that time, I didn't know what a research institute was. Then I sent it out like this. Of course, I would enter the interview stage. On the day of the interview, the preparation documents I printed out were only A4, and then 7-11 I printed out the one without a stapler, because I thought, "Since it's a test-accompanying test, I don't need to spend any more money, really", I see everyone including my friends, and they all go to staple that kind of preparation materials , it was very beautiful, and I thought, "Since my chances are not so high, then it's better to save money", and at that time, when everyone showed their works, they used laptops, and then went to show his stuff. , but at that time I didn't have a laptop (500 yuan was a blast), so I brought a mobile phone (iphone SE), which was so far away from the interview, the professor couldn't see my mobile phone at all, he said "Okay, you can put it away", and then began to listen to what I said. In short, my content was all about ability and ideas. Ability is my case, I List all of them, which means that I have a lot of actual combat experience, and then I have a very clear goal. I am not confused, I just want to come to the research institute to spend time. After all, I still signed up, so I still put it The circle is perfect, but I can’t say it, I just try to explain it as well as possible. When the final result came out, I was the fourth place candidate, and then I felt that there was a real chance, so why don’t I try again next year? Let's try it out, I think there should be no hope for the fourth option~ Because I'm actually very scared, if I just report like this and then I'll go on, ah, if my friend doesn't go on, then I'll have to do it later. How to face him? Isn't it super embarrassing? So I am more concerned about whether my friend has sex, and I will see if he is. My friend should have more experience in the relationship between the two exams. So of course he got on, my part. At that time, there were only two places filled in the first round, and then the first two people filled them up immediately, and then I went to find a third person, the one in front of me. The information for his application is the things he found on the Internet, and then I checked it... As a result, he only applied for one school, I want to finish. , If he has a place, he will definitely apply directly, and then there will be no me, because there is really only one place in the second round, I want to say forget it, that is to wait and see next year, At that time, it was Friday, and I actually persuaded myself like this in my heart. I just consoled myself and said, "Okay, it's alright, I'll try my best next time." But on Friday, I kept going to check to say whether he made up for it. , as a result, I didn't make it up after the whole day on Friday, so the date of the last time I didn't die was six days and two more days to make up. I felt like saying "Oh, it's super painful." Hurry up and make up the subsidy, and give up quickly, okay? Then it came to Monday, because it was two days at that time, and then Monday was the last day. He didn't make it up on Monday. I also want to say what happened to this person. What's the matter? Is there anyone who is more messed up than me? At that time, it felt super exciting, and he would say, "Do you want me to make up for it? You hurry up and make me die, please", but at the last second, he still I didn't make it up. At that time, I also checked whether it was a problem with the cache of the webpage. Then I opened a different device to check it. Then I even called the school to ask. It turned out that the person really didn't make it up. Then I checked it out. What do you think about WTF? I really got into the graduate school? Can I get into the graduate school even if I am a scumbag? Or is it the last one? This is my own feeling. It has nothing to do with the school. I When I talk to my friends about this, many people will think that what the hell is this school doing? Including myself, I also have the same idea, and so do my family, I tell them "I After that, no one wanted to believe me. When the final admission notice came, everyone received this information and said, "Huh? Are you going to go to the graduate school? Is it true or false?", otherwise they would think I I'm practicing to eliminate power (speak crazy).

practice experience

But that was the feeling at that time, and looking back now, it becomes... I have another feeling, this is very similar to the feeling of starting a subsidy that we are writing about, although you have a background, you have a lot of funds, or you What kind of connections do you have, but there are some subsidy cases. It’s not about how hard you are in the background, but your things. “Is the market segmentation unclear? Can you survive?”, he can decide whether to subsidize you or not. Well, it’s just an investment concept. My current view is this. I don’t know if my view will change in the future, so maybe it’s what I wrote that really hit this pain point, or what I said. Something has persuaded these professors. After all, I can't win with the documents for review, so at that time I felt that I seemed to be able to grasp the pain points of the problem better than the average person, and about this matter, when I was in the institute, I had Experiment and practice slowly, and leave these things for the next episode.

Original link Independent sample creation process


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