Genius is not born, it is born by his mother - May . Musk

The title is kind of crap, who wasn't born by the mother? I just wanted to stress that if Musk hadn't had such a mom, he probably wouldn't be where he is today...

Take turns with Jeff Bezos to become the world's richest man Elon. Elon Musk, sitting on a fortune of more than $300 billion at the time of writing, is once again the richest person on earth, possibly even history.

His many entrepreneurial experiences as thick as a dictionary, plus various rumors and anecdotes, such as a few days ago, he suddenly incarnated as a "Ma Shike", using Chinese to write poetry in seven steps, turning a stone into gold with Dogecoin and Clubhouse, and a great beauty Amber Heard The scandal (Amber was still Jonny Depp's wife at the time), the son's name ( X Æ A-Xii ) was super difficult to pronounce and understand...

There's really a lot of material to write about, but while condensing the material I thought, is this guy who has all the good things in one really just because he's a genius? Or are there other conditions?

So, I "started from the baby", first to see what kind of people his parents are, are they the second generation of officials or the second generation of wealth?

It was discovered that the success of "Silicon Valley Iron Man" came from his mother , Maye Musk .

In June 2017, May appeared on the cover of Vogue magazine Korea

unusual single mother

Even if you don't know that she has the richest son, Maye Musk, born in Canada, who goes by the name of Maye Haldeman, is still an extremely good woman.

Growing up in South Africa, she started working as a model at the age of 15, and is still a supermodel at the age of 73 this year.

She is noble and beautiful, but she has never been a vase. She can't continue to be a model because she takes care of her children, but she has two master's degrees in nutrition and is a professional nutritionist.

She never relies on luck, but believes that the harder she works, the luckier she gets.

In 1970, she married her high school boyfriend and gave up her modeling job for the sake of marriage. After giving birth to three children, she was subjected to domestic violence one after another! Under South African law at the time, domestic violence was not a ground for divorce. She endured until 1979, when the law finally changed. She divorced immediately, brought her children, and stepped back on the runway at the "senior age" of 28.

At that time, she was the "oldest" model in the city. She tried to walk on the stage by herself, with three children sitting in the first row reading!

In the most difficult years, she used to cry because her child spilled milk, although there is an English saying: " Don't cry over spilled milk " , but she really cried because she had no money to buy a new bottle that day...

Buying second-hand clothes, using her nutritional knowledge, and making cheap and nutritious meals for her children are the secret recipes for her to survive the hard times.

"Just getting started" is her motto

At the age of 40, the eldest son Elon graduated from high school, and his sister Tosca wanted to study in Canada (because May was born in Canada, the three children could get Canadian passports). At that time, she was already a practicing nutritionist and established her own business. Moving to Canada meant starting everything from scratch. For the sake of her children, she resolutely made another "Great Leap Forward".

When she first arrived in Canada, she struggled, and although she sold her house and car, South Africa's restrictions on remittances were much stricter than expected, causing her to hold five jobs at the same time - researcher at the University of Toronto, nutrition school Mentors, model mentors, models, nutritionists - to make ends meet and raise kids.

These hardships did not break her down, but instead opened up a wonderful second life for her, and also raised three outstanding children: Needless to say, Elon, the second son Kimbal opened a "farm direct" restaurant chain; the youngest Tosca He is an excellent filmmaker.

In my opinion, there are three positive effects that May has brought to children:

1. Be true to yourself

May never restricts children's studies and interests, nor does she force children to read or not read anything. She lets children choose their own direction and is responsible for their own life , but will give enough support within their ability.

Take Elon as an example. He wanted a computer when he was 12 years old. It was 1983. Computers were still very new. At that time, May was reluctant to buy a new desk, but bought him a computer.

As a result, Elon relied on self-study to write a game called Blaster. May encouraged him to publish it. As a result, he put the game in a computer magazine and earned the first 500 yuan in his life!

If May did not buy a computer at that time, but spent the money on home improvement, I wonder if the world would be different from today?

May encourages children to stay true to their own interests, and she herself leads by example, working hard for her two major interests (modeling and nutrition) throughout her life, and continues to walk on the runway at the age of 73.

2. Lifelong Learning

May is not an old man who sticks to the rules, she likes continuous learning and progress.

In 2015, she was still struggling to find a modelling job, so she decided to put more effort into social media. She opens live webcasts, records Podcasts, IG, FB are of course indispensable...

As a result, because of the large number of followers on IG, she successfully signed up with IMG, one of the world's top model companies, and thus took over her first high-end fashion show in her life and performed at New York Fashion Week .

This year, she is 67 years old.

Elon is also a lifelong learner. He loves to read books since he was a child, and he never forgets it. He still maintains the habit of reading every day. (There are rumors that he can read 63 books a month, which I think is too exaggerated!)

As long as it's something he doesn't understand, he'll keep asking and absorbing it. When he started SpaceX, he didn't know how to do rockets. When he was interviewing for NASA experts, he kept asking questions. When the other party found out that Elon was "stealing teachers", he had already learned most of the knowledge!

3. Turn crisis into opportunity

May never bowed her head to reality, and every time she encountered difficulties, she would always find ways to break through——

At the age of 30, she suddenly gained weight. On the one hand, she fought for the opportunity to become the first "plus-size model" in South Africa at that time. On the other hand, she relied on her nutrition knowledge to improve her meal list and finally managed to lose 50 pounds (23). kilograms), and also launched a nutrition course specially designed for models.

At the age of 40, she brought her three children to Canada to start a new life. In addition to five jobs, she went to different clinics one by one, leaving a self-introduction, hoping to be hired as a nutritionist. Half a year later, her work schedule is full.

At the age of 70, when others are enjoying their children and grandchildren, she continued to pursue her modeling dream, and as a result, she not only entered New York Fashion Week, but also became the oldest spokesperson of the makeup brand CoverGirl.

A reporter once asked Elon when he plans to retire? Elon smiled and said:

"I won't retire because my mom hasn't retired yet!"

Why can Elon keep making progress and innovation? Everyone knows who is the hero, right?

At the age of 69, May became the face of CoverGirl


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