RSS-Fluent Reader Instructions for Use

A Windows experience is very good and open source fluent Reader cross-platform RSS client

At present, there are many RSS clients, the more famous ones are:


The free version has feed restrictions, and the experience is very good. Membership is relatively expensive, relatively speaking, the membership function is also good, and you can subscribe to twitter, YT and other media.


It’s not bad. It’s been stagnant in the past few years, but recently I’ve started to look at it again. This year, I’ve made a lot of improvements. It supports subscribing to multiple social media, and has also made basic membership levels, as well as community promotion discounts. Personal It feels a little less cost-effective than feedly, but the barrier to entry is lower.


This one only supports apple, and it is said that the experience is a very good one.

Fluent Reader

This is cross-platform. It is a very good choice for windows. It is open source and can be supported by uwp for payment. There are no restrictions on most subscription sources, and the interface is refreshing. It is also possible to set a proxy, just set the pac path.

The process of setting up pac is to start a server locally and fill in the path of the pac file. You can set the automatic pull-off time interval.


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