Swell ETH Staking Testnet

GR13 send mission

Get this testnet task:

Swell Network ETH Staking

I have 50 ETH for testing

You can do staking or set up nodes. In real life, I am an Ethereum verifier, but I do not operate it myself, but pay others to manage it, so I just skip the test network to set up nodes.

Of course I didn't put "Ethereum validator" in my profile. Some people do a lot of node validators, which is a big job. I saw a person who manages a node worth several hundred dollars and hurriedly put it on his profile. xxx validator", managing these hundreds of USD nodes is the whole of life!

Back to this test, ETH will become swETH after staking, like Lido, Lido will become stETH after staking.

I used to move 12 ETH in Lido to Celsius before, because of the bonus, it is almost expired and I have to move back to Lido.

Usually do a staking, transfer currency and smart contract, the gas fee is more than a thousand Hong Kong dollars, there is a test network to do it, and you can practice for free.

Although this process is just a few clicks, it seems to be easy, in fact, like other testnets before, there is no response, slow response, and many bugs:

Error fetching fee

Not enough available validators

Deposit data not available

There are already a bunch of validators in it, which were set up by other people who played the testnet. I didn't pledge all of them, so I kept gas. Why is it not enough?

Go to discord to report bugs, no need, there are other people who have said the same problem, this is the original intention of the testnet.


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GR14 Hackathon

#decentralizehk 驗證人投票 (2022.04.26 - 2022.05.08)

Project Galaxy 空投鬥快賣