Conversational Marketing Series|It turns out that Chatbot can also be used like this! Nine application scenarios

Today’s popularity of artificial intelligence (AI) has dramatically changed the way brands interact with their customers. By 2020, about 80% of enterprises have begun to use chatbots. Let's take a look at the application scenarios of the Chatbot chat robot!

HoliBear - Conversational Marketing

It turns out that Chatbot can also be used in this way!

Today, AI artificial intelligence has greatly impacted various industries, changing the way brands interact with different customers. According to BusinessInsider's research, by 2020, about 80% of enterprises have started to use chatbots. Indeed, chatbots greatly improve the customer experience, and can also improve the performance of enterprises in different application scenarios.

Below is Drift's survey on how users use chatbots. We can see that chatbots can actually be used from customer service, sales, and even internal processes.

How do businesses use chatbots?

A good chatbot usually has several characteristics , including "clear purpose", "personality", and "easy to use". Let's take a look at how to apply chatbots to your business and brand!

1. Customer Service

According to a LivePerson survey, 67% of consumers worldwide have used chatbots in customer service-related scenarios. We can see that more and more brands are using chatbots as customer service systems on websites, social media, and apps.

Smart chatbots can help brands save a lot of money and increase many key customer service efficiency metrics, including first response time, and enhance the customer experience.

In this fast-paced era, more and more customers are impatient. They want their questions to be answered quickly, and a little waiting time will increase the customer bounce rate. In the article 20 Chatbot Statistics You Must Know , we also mentioned that in fact 55% of respondents said they really like chatbots that can answer some common simple questions immediately.

We have also compiled some frequently asked questions from customers, including:

  • Product and service related questions
  • technical support
  • Price and Payment Related Questions
  • Order related questions

You can automate the customer service system, enter common FAQ information into the chat options of the robot, interact with customers quickly, and reduce the problems that human customer service needs to deal with.

2. Sales

Making good use of chatbots can not only enhance the customer experience, increase customer loyalty to the brand, but also increase revenue. For more in-depth understanding, you can also refer to How to use "conversational marketing" to increase conversion rate? Basically, chatbots can reduce customer development time, collect customer information, automatically generate customer reports, and generate lead lists.

In the article " Three Examples of Chatbots", we mentioned HomeGenius, an online home repair matching platform. They use chatbots to screen out customers' home repair items, needs, budgets, etc. to find suitable outsourcers.


According to research by HubSpot, 74% of companies consider lead generation to be their top goal. When a customer is interested in your brand, a brand that responds to a customer within an hour is 7x more effective than a brand that responds a few hours later! If you want these prospects to move up the sales funnel, then you have to nurture them according to their stage.

If it is in the e-commerce industry, chatbots can also interact with customers on sales behavior through the following:

  • Give customized advice
  • Recommend special offers, premium purchases, etc.
  • Offer discount coupons to increase conversion rates

3. Reservation

This is how chatbots are most commonly used in hotels, health centers, and the personal services industry, such as making reservations easily in facebook messenger.

Time-booking bots can often:

  • Let customers make appointments directly
  • Collect customer information, including name, email address, phone number
  • Remind account owners of upcoming scheduled times

4. Online order

According to research by Ubisend, one in five customers will want to purchase services and products through chatbots.

For e-commerce, chatbots are specially created to:

  • Help customers make decisions during the customer buying process
  • Provide product recommendations and act as a shopping guide in the customer purchase process
  • Provide instant FAQ customer service

5. Marketing

Chatbots have had a big impact on internet marketing. Chatbots are very useful for increasing customer interaction and providing brand campaign information.

How can AI chatbots increase customer engagement rates?

  • Save labor costs and actively serve customers 24/7
  • Reply to customers within 30 seconds, reducing customer waiting time and churn rate
  • Not limited by the number of users. Divert the customer service system during peak customer service hours to improve customer experience

Let's take a look at the success story of Emirates Vacations. The average click-through rate of online advertisements is only about 0.35%. Emirates Vacations created a chatbot in the advertisements displayed in 2018, showing different visual pictures and setting different robot dialogue logic according to the content that different users are viewing. In the end, the results were 87% higher than that of regular ads!

Emirates Vacations

If your brand is a multimedia business, you can use chatbots to quickly help customers find the information they need. CNN is one of the first brands to do this. You can choose to read the categories of popular news. According to the news you choose, the robot will record your preferences and recommend the most suitable news to you.

6. Human resources

According to Human Capital Trends, only 17% of HR executives globally are ready to use AI to help manage their employees. Hiring employees is a very important part of HR, and Mya saves employers a lot of trouble. Mya is an AI system that hires employees, engages and engages job seekers through conversations.

How does Mya do it?

  • Mya can interact with numerous candidates via SMS, Facebook, Skype, email and online chat
  • Asking pre-planned questions, answering FAQs, prompting application progress, giving job search tips
  • Provides important information for employers and managers to help rank candidates by experience, recent work, engagement rate, and other attributes

7. Personal service

Chatbots can also be a good helper for brands that provide "personal services", which are especially suitable for brands in the "fitness" industry. Data shows that users who use chatbots for personal fitness management have a 26% higher goal achievement rate than those who don't! Chatbots are a bit like personal fitness trainers, providing personalized fitness schedules, diet recommendations, and more.

8. Collect mailing lists

We've covered many of the email marketing benefits in our email marketing article . It's past the days when you can quickly get a customer mailing list. Calls to action like "Leave your email in case we can't reach you in the future" no longer work. You must apply the three E's to meet customer needs. . What kind of "valuable information" or "entertainment information" for customers will be provided in your e-newsletter? Can you provide some "gifts" to tempt users to leave their mailboxes?

The so-called three E's are:

  • Information about Relevant Information
  • EntertainmentEntertainment
  • Enticement Temptation

Plus, it’s easiest for customers to say “no” to you in the first chat. So don’t ask customers for emails directly at the beginning, but guide them step by step.

9. Voice robot

(Image credit: Revecat)

The technology of voice robots has also recently improved in accuracy and application functions. So why are voice bots so popular?

  • Voice bots can use automated, intelligent communication techniques
  • Voice robots can collect customer information more accurately
  • Reduce problems when facing customer needs

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