My bad habit~ is to be cheap!

Not only pimples and pimples, but also...

When it comes to my bad habits, there are actually quite a few, but in a word, it is "cheap" XDD

What kind of crap? That is, when you see something, you want to squeeze or poke or dig ><

For example, when you see a pus-filled pimple, you want to pop it. When you see a pimple on your nose or chin, you have to pick it. When I was a child, I would pick my nostrils. Now, I only use toilet paper to clean, but... I still can't get rid of the problem of cheap hands. When I grow up, I don't know why I suddenly develop the bad habit of picking my ears QQ

Generally speaking, ear-picking is done with ear-picking sticks. When I was a child, my mother would also help with digging. But when I grow up, I can only rely on myself. This ear-picking stick is slender and long. So I switched to using cotton swabs to dig

Here comes the problem~ Cotton swabs are not something you can get easily. Sometimes your ears are itchy. Without cotton swabs, you can only use your own little girl (finger). No other fingers can poke in it!

I dug it with my fingers, and it broke = mouth=

Everyone knows that my hands have touched a lot of things, and they are not very clean. Even if I wash my hands, my fragile ear canal can’t stand such frequent digging. Therefore, my ears have problems. Oil, scared me to go to the doctor quickly!

The doctor saw it and said it was eczema, so he gave an injection on the spot. Fortunately, after taking the medicine and rubbing the medicine, it was all right, huh~

The above problems caused by "cheap" are really serious. Let me share with you. Remember that you can't dig your ears casually. I have learned a lesson, and now I don't dig my ears anymore ><

Although I am still a cheap hand, I will pick up acne and pimples, but I am trying to improve it. After all, when the age is up, it is easy to leave a dull pimple when it breaks. Everyone, don’t break the pimple! Go buy an easy-to-use acne gel or use Niuer's anti-acne acne treasure, and I will share my experience with you when I have the opportunity~


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甄筱~歡迎互拍~ 生活中不能沒有故事,喜愛各種腦補、分享、閱讀
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