[Diary arrangement] [Hospitalization record arrangement] What I observed, learned and realized during hospitalization

To organize and record some observations and studies during the hospitalization at that time, it is very complicated and long, and it is not only related to the hospital or treatment.

mentioned in the previous article
[2022.03.11] Back to the diary and recent events
To organize and record some observations and studies during the hospitalization at that time, it is very complicated and long, and it is not only related to the hospital or treatment.

1. White blood cell count
The number of white blood cells in critically ill patients will decrease. At the time of hospitalization, I was measured at 1780. Although it was normal on the surface, I could walk normally, but the number was very low, so I was arrested and sent to the hospital. Generally, normal people are normally 3000, 5000~10000, but this value also has There may be slightly different standard values due to the different measuring instruments of various hospitals and clinics, so it is good to use it as a reference. The actual measurement is subject to the instruments and reports of the hospital/testing center (professionals are familiar with the standard values of their own machines.)

References for low white blood cells:

Nursing care of patients with leukemia in ICU

To put it simply, the immunity is weak, and the defense or HP bar is half of a normal person's.

Some allergic reactions may be related to low white blood cells (the body's immune response attacks itself). For example, before this hospitalization, I had a rash and skin allergies. The first clinic I saw also asked me to go back to rub the skin-related medicine and think it was me The environment was not clean, and it was only when blood was drawn to test for allergens that it was found that it might be chronic food inflammation.
(It may also have something to do with the vaccine, and I have heard of cases similar to me where allergies started just after the vaccination, but many of them are after a period of time, so it is difficult to verify. I myself have a month after the vaccination. This kind of The type is not very easy to track. To report this case, it seems that you need to ask the doctor and ask the doctor to write a report. The current new crown vaccine is still in the experimental stage, so many reactions are still being tested and confirmed. .In addition, it is recommended that people who have a similar situation like me, especially if there is no similar situation in the past, have a sudden reaction, they may want to confirm the allergen, because many vaccines are also made of protein, and then I follow the blood test to detect allergies The project has eggs, and the doctor said that it is recommended not to get vaccinated.)

2. It turns out that there is such a thing as chronic food inflammation

The blood draw wants to say that you need to test the allergen and report it. Allergies are divided into acute allergies and chronic food inflammation. The numerical items measured by the two are different.

Allergies are graded, ranging from acute allergies to chronic food inflammation.
Acute allergy is generally recognized as allergy. It usually has an immediate reaction, and the reaction usually ends quickly. It is also this item that may cause death. This varies according to individual physiques.
The response to chronic food inflammation can be long and slow, so it's a little difficult to spot, because normal people eat a variety of things over a period of time, and those who have allergic reactions for several days may be this type, but in reality Knowing which allergen it is may require a blood test. For chronic food inflammation, depending on the severity of the reaction (as measured and graded), you can stop eating for a while (perhaps three or six months later) and then do a food test. For the actual way, please see the doctor's advice or report explanation.

3. Allergy (or chronic food inflammation) is likely to suddenly become allergic the day after tomorrow

My situation is like this, wheat, whole eggs (items have egg yolks), dairy products, casein, etc. (there are also many miscellaneous items, here I only type the types that are easy to appear in various foods) suddenly become The cause of my allergies.

Wheat is equal to covering bread, the outer skin of fried foods, noodles, the crust of many things, biscuits, cakes, etc.

I liked eggs a lot before I found out that they were allergens. After all, they are cheap and delicious.

Dairy products include cow’s milk and goat’s milk (these two items were written separately after blood draws, but I just couldn’t do it, so let’s talk about dairy products together), milk powder, or beverages or desserts that contain dairy products.

Casein is similar to processed dairy products, such as yogurt, cream, cheese and the like.

Many of them are added to other foods or are added during processing. For example, egg yolks are added to the impression of the emulsifier in the chocolate process, and many dairy products are added to adjust the taste, so I can't eat chocolate.

Before my body becomes this kind of constitution (that is, around November to December in 2021), I love to eat these (

Cheese is my favorite food. I can throw a slice of cheese on top of rice to go with this kind of meal (?)

There are also various other items that will not work (
In short, because of this, I have learned to buy things by looking at the ingredient list, or whether the food process is exposed to allergens, etc.

Although mine is a chronic food inflammation, the allergic reaction will not be as severe as some people's acute allergies. Some types of acute allergies are really dead if they touch it (a piece of cheese has been thrown on the back of the neck in foreign countries and then The case of a child who died of an allergic reaction), but eating too much will make me itchy for days, itchy to the point of being unable to sleep, and even the level of white blood cells is so low that I have to be hospitalized.

If you meet someone who is allergic to something, please don't think that it can be treated by more contact, or it is because the other person has too little contact (I used these things almost every day before I found out that my allergens were cheese and eggs. food ) so allergies or that is a psychological effect, if you don’t know how serious the allergy level of the other party is, don’t mess around, because some people will really have a serious reaction or even death.

4. There are far fewer people and businesses who pay attention to allergies or understand allergies than I thought

For example, if I ordered a meal from the hospital, it specifically said no eggs, but a meal with eggs was delivered to me, so I had no choice but to not eat it.

When I was working, I had to order a meal with someone at noon, asking the other person to cook porridge without adding eggs. As a result, the meal delivered felt like a pot with boiled eggs. Although no eggs were specially placed, I still added some broken eggs into the porridge.

Because of this, I didn't want to eat out at all, and I could really control what I eat by cooking it myself. Sometimes you tell others that you can't eat or touch anything, but others may not take it seriously.

Before my body became like this, although I knew about allergies and that some people’s allergies could cause death, I really didn’t expect that my daily life would be very troublesome. I really didn’t realize these things before I became such a physique. matter.

5. Allergies themselves can be a source of stress

After finding out what the allergens were, I once dreamed that I was nervous about eating the wrong food.

There are also people who have eaten in a dream and thought that it was an allergen, and then realized that it was a dream and said, "Oh! Yes! This is a dream. I can eat these things that I can't normally eat." I think it would be great if I could dream of eating again.

6. The relationship between doctors and patients is very similar to the relationship between fortune-tellers and guests, and there is also a difference in whether the radio wave/frequency is correct.

Because of this allergic reaction, I have visited several clinics and hospitals. It was the first time in Taichung. I wanted to find a good evaluation on the Internet related to dermatology. As a result, this doctor felt that my environment was not good, and my skin should be scrubbed with soap and medicine. , The doctor diagnosed it as ringworm. I thought it was too weird to scrub my allergic skin vigorously, so I asked my mother who is a nurse (I originally wanted to see a doctor to solve it by myself), and then went back to my hometown Miaoli to see a doctor. I went back to my hometown in Miaoli to see a doctor. In fact, before the blood was drawn, it was considered to be a simple skin allergy. They were all rubbing medicine and taking medicine to simply suppress allergy symptoms. Unexpectedly, I found abnormal leukocytes first) before I was hospitalized for observation and tracked the allergic factors.

The real reason is to wait until the blood test for the allergen report comes out to know that it is chronic food inflammation.

In short, my mother once talked to me about these processes, because she herself is a nurse and sees a lot of medical doctor-patient relationship. She thinks that this also depends on whether it is compatible with the doctor. It is difficult to say whether a doctor is good or not. , some doctors are just right for you, and some are not.

On the other hand, the diagnosis of some diseases and the exclusion of factors actually have their own difficulties. For example, if a normal person is suddenly allergic to the skin, he would like to say that he should wipe the medicine, and he would like to say what the skin might touch or grow. Only after the blood draw report came out did I know that it was an allergic reaction to chronic food inflammation, and it took time for the blood draw report to come out.

Up to now, I am still tracking the thyroid condition for the doctor at the time of hospitalization. It takes a long time to observe, change the dressing, and rule out the cause.

At present, I feel that Western medicine pays great attention to numerical observation and unifies certain types of standards, but some things are still difficult to standardize, and I think it is unlikely that similar to the experience or style of a fortune teller is something that can be standardized.

7. One-piece wrap midi skirt

I love this dress so much. During the hospitalization, I asked my mother to see if there is a skirt in my home that is convenient for me to go to the toilet with one hand without taking off my pants. My mother took her a long time ago (maybe before I was born) and bought it in Arabia but Put on a bandage skirt that I haven't worn all the time. I was hospitalized at the beginning, because my IV needle is not easy to poke (the IV needle needs to be transported in for a period of time, and the IV needle will be thicker than the general blood drawing needle. ), I had to poke on the joint of my right hand, which means that my right hand cannot be bent to avoid breaking the soft needle, and the right hand becomes very inconvenient to move. Successfully replaced with left hand.

This kind of skirt is easy to put on and take off for me, and when I go to the toilet, I can just lift up the skirt and take off my panties.

During my hospitalization, I was taking steroids and diuretics. The diuretics were taken to avoid the side effects of steroids and edema. By the way, I was asked to drink more water and detox, so my body became super often needing to go to the toilet. I am very grateful for helping me. Line up the bed with the person close to the ward toilet.

If it weren't for the convenience of this skirt, I might have pissed on my pants.

I highly recommend that people who have IV drips in the hospital or people who are inconvenient to move around, bring a skirt. Regardless of gender, wearing a skirt in the hospital will make it more convenient for you to go to the toilet, which is better than when you go to the toilet. Then it's better to pull it on your pants, but it's less dignified to pull it on your pants, and you have to ask someone else to clean it up for you.

8. Hospital ordering

To tell the truth, the ordering seasoning of the hospital is very simple, and it is comfortable to eat. Now, if you want to eat this kind of food, you have to choose the store, but it is difficult or expensive.

9. Vitamin Straws

Magical product, I used a few tubes to drink water during the hospitalization, just shape the straw so that the vitamin ball can be stuck in the middle of the straw, and there will be a seam just enough for the vitamin ball to be stuck, but when people suck the straw, the water can pass through and melt. Vitamin pellets.

Although it is said that consumables are not very environmentally friendly, they are also quite expensive. If you really want to drink vitamins, it may be cheaper to melt them directly in water.

If there is a type that can be refilled, for example, the middle can be rotated to open the vitamin pellet refill pack in the middle of the filling, etc., this form of straw can encourage people to drink water.

Mainly because the vitamin ball is sweet, and the process of inhaling it has a very strange and novel feeling.

10. Thanks for my hand

The second day after the IV was inserted into the right hand joint: Thank you for my right hand that has always helped me in my life .

I am also thankful that I still have my left hand to help me live, and I also suddenly realized that the right hand is very convenient .

I went to the back to change the needle to successfully insert it into the left hand.

Just started hospitalization, right hand drip
After changing the needle, it was successfully inserted into the left hand.

11. Take good care of the drip, the nurse will thank you

You don't want to reinsert your soft needles, and so does your nurse.

The needle for the drip is thicker and thicker than the general blood drawing, so it is more difficult and more painful than blood drawing.

The drip needle needs to be passed through a fluid (?) regularly to prevent blood coagulation in it, causing the drip needle to stop working. The needle needs to be changed regularly, and the part may also be changed to avoid swelling or bruising.

12. Tie hair requires both hands, and it is not easy for people with one hand left to tie hair

I've only been aware of this since I was hospitalized because one of my hands would be sealed from a drip.

It is difficult to tie the hair with only one hand. You can try it yourself.

Even though it's a very everyday thing, I think it's not easy for a disabled person.

I also found that someone raised this thing: UNICHARM one-handed hair tying equipment

But this fundraising has never been done. After all, there are only a few people who will need it, and there are probably not many people who will pay attention to the relevant information. A person is an everyday situation in which there are actual troubles.

13. I am sometimes insensitive to itchiness

This is my personal feeling, I seem to be resistant to itching(?) or dull to a certain extent, which sometimes affects the diagnosis, so any little discomfort should be paid more attention, because my itchiness is on me. I feel sluggish, or sometimes I don't feel itchy when I wake up, but only after waking up for a while.

It may be different for different people, you can observe for yourself.

14. Carefully observe and find that the information card of the hospital bed will indicate the language of communication, which is considerate.

The hospital bed I live in has Chinese/Guest/Taiwan languages, probably because of Miaoli.

Because of this, I am quite curious about the situation of foreigners who are hospitalized.

It is really not easy for the nurses and staff in the hospital, and many details need to be taken care of.

15. The hospital can see many life impermanence

The elderly who lived in the same ward as me (who came in a day earlier than me) are going to be transferred to the Anhui ward. They were discharged from the hospital yesterday with chemotherapy. The ward is really a place to see a lot of impermanence in life.

16. Hospitalization is expensive

Even the health care ward still costs a lot of money, and the actual cost depends on how much the tests or medicines need for your symptoms.

Usually, you should pay attention to your health, check and observe your physical condition, maintain your body, and exercise. The CP value is relatively high, and you can avoid the need to stay in the hospital for a period of time because of your physical condition.

17. Application or subsidy for health insurance

Doctors or clinics have their own considerations or positions. Not all treatments will go through when applying for health insurance, so cherish medical support.

Clinics also need to take into account the cost, so drugs that are not really symptomatic will not be used indiscriminately.

18. Allergen blood test

It is somewhat related to the above 17. If you have an allergic reaction, you can go to the doctor and discuss with the doctor whether you need to test for allergens. If the doctor can arrange it and have allergy symptoms as evidence, you should be able to apply for health insurance benefits.

Allergen testing can also be done at your own expense, but because there are many items/directions/types of allergen testing, the price of each type is different (in different places, the price may also be different due to the different testing institutes or methods of cooperation) ), the suggestion is to discuss with the doctor to avoid spending money to test results that have nothing to do with your symptoms.

19. Steroid prednisolone

According to my mother, it is a relatively heavy drug, and it is used to suppress symptoms, but the drug should be stopped slowly. It is better not to eat unless necessary, but if the symptoms are severe, this is usually prescribed to suppress the symptoms.

Maybe after the symptoms subside, they will start to get hungry easily, so some people will gain weight (?

I felt really hungry when I was taking steroids, and I used to be able to tolerate it when I was hungry, but when I was taking steroids, the feeling of being hungry was unbearable. It may also be related to the medicine, which may affect the stomach.

In addition, I also learned that some medicines specifically say that if you take them after meals, please follow the instructions to take them after meals, because some medicines have such a note, because if you take them on an empty stomach, it will hurt your stomach.

In addition, steroids may also cause edema, so diuretics are needed to remove edema.

Some external medicines also contain steroids, so be careful, if the doctor says to apply a thin layer of external medicines, it is not because you need to be frugal or the pot of medicine needs to be saved for a long time, but it may be because the medicine seriously hurts the skin (

Usually the doctor will only remind you to wipe, but I don't think they will tell you why, after all I guess because some people get scared when they hear negative reasons. From the doctor's point of view, he is not sure whether the stranger who is seeing the doctor will be frightened when he hears it or can accept that Western medicine has its pros and cons. I happen to be because my mom is a nurse and she has her knowledge to explain it to me.

Just rub it lightly, don't use the external medicine as a lotion for maintenance, some will have additional effects (?). In this case, you may need to rub lotion or Vaseline to maintain the skin.

In short, Western medicine is the adjustment of chemical substances in the body, and it is almost impossible not to affect it completely.

As for the medicine prescribed to me, I think I can ask the doctor if I am curious, or check the original name of the medicine on the Internet (although I may not be able to understand the effect), but it is good to have the opportunity to understand more.

The d in the middle of prednisolone is not pronounced. The information I probably know is that steroids have the title of American elixir, which is a drug that is effective in suppressing symptoms but also severe, so the drug should be gradually reduced and observed. There are also many types of steroids, not only the drug with this name is a steroid, there is also a type called Cortisone. But just take a look at this paragraph, because I am not specializing in medicine (

20. Inpatient staff and procedures (?)

Hurry up when the resident doctor comes to the room

Although the procedures for working in outpatient clinics and doctors checking wards for nurses should be different, the manpower constraints should be similar. I lived in the hospital where my mother worked before, so she knows exactly what to ask for information, but most people will not be hospitalized. With this information, I think the psychological feeling will be different.

Doctors will have their own outpatient clinics, so the ward rounds will not be outpatient hours. If the doctor has to go to work, you can check online when your doctor outpatient clinic hours are, and then take a good rest at that time (?

What you want to know is best to ask clearly at the time of the daily ward rounds. Think about what you want to ask the day before, or ask the nurse, but the nurse has to help many patients every day with various daily measurements, dressing changes and other matters. May be busy, hurry up to ask when the ward round.

How much does it cost to be hospitalized

You can ask in advance how much you need to pay for hospitalization, and try to work during the daytime (I don’t know if this is not necessarily true)

Drip and Nursing Physician

You can ask the nurse to call her when the drip is finished.

The drip needle depends on the blood vessels and luck (?), you will be afraid that the nurse will also be afraid that there is no way to take a needle (?)

In order to maintain the smooth flow of the drip needle, it is necessary to regularly drip something at different times of the day (technical things are judged by the nurse) to avoid blood coagulation in it, and the pipeline does not need to be reinserted.

If you have questions about how to go to the toilet with the drip, there is usually a mobile drip rack. Be careful not to hit the door when moving, and the height can be adjusted.

The needle for the drip is thicker than the blood drawing or injection, so the difficulty of inserting the needle will be higher, and then the soft needle, but you can ask the nurse how to pay attention to the part where you insert it. Don't want to re-plug, so does the nurse.

Usually needles are changed every three days, and their nurses will have their own notes on how to change at that time.

The nurse who has the patience to slowly find your place of action to insert the needle, please thank her well (?

Inserting the needle for the drip is more painful than drawing blood, probably because the construction needle is thicker. A little mental preparation (?

It went by in a jiffy but I didn't know before that it would be a bit scary the first time it was more painful than the blood draw.

Medical certificate and insurance

It costs money to issue a diagnosis certificate. If you need to apply for insurance, or if there is a follow-up examination, you can apply within a time (see the certification time required for insurance) at one time.

21. Feelings about being discharged from the hospital

On the day I was discharged from the hospital, I deeply felt that it was great to be able to move around freely

I also took a little more detour when walking home because of this, and I thought it was great to be able to walk everywhere.

22. Thyroid tracking observation, I made a record form myself

It seems that everyone's symptoms of abnormal thyroid are different, and the symptoms that can be observed are different. My own heart rate will become faster, while some people's weight changes (but the weight is relative, and long-term observation and tracking records are required)

After discussing with the doctor, he decided to let me take a pulse record in the morning and evening for a month, because I couldn't find a simple and easy-to-use form on the Internet (I don't have an instrument to measure systolic blood pressure or the like, and the form that can only record the pulse is almost impossible to see. ), I made a table by myself and I can generate a line chart by myself, and I even got a weight record table by the way.

23. I am very grateful to my mother and her experience as a nurse

There are many things I can ask her, and I also thank my mother for accompanying me to see a doctor in a hospital she is familiar with (the former workplace), so I feel more at ease during the medical treatment process.

Otherwise, in some hospitals, I feel very confused about where to go for testing, and I will get lost, and I am not very clear about some procedures.

I think people who have never experienced hospitalization will be panic if they want to do it by themselves. It is really good and lucky to have someone who can help care or deal with it.


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