【Event】Ghost Moon Brings Horses Over: Camping



I remember that my classmates insisted on telling me the ghost stories of the school, and they also focused on the school's "dormitory", especially the place of the story was upstairs, it made me feel very shaking when I went back to the dormitory after listening to it, and I squatted down to read books. After I stayed in the hall XDD, I felt that I was too useless, so I slowly walked back to the room, but I was still shaking, especially when there was no one in the room, so I called my classmates who lived upstairs to come down and be brave XDD

So this story won't be too scary, because it's too scary and I'm afraid to write it myself (?


This is a story that happened in Ergesu camping in our country.

This kind of camping is a kind of thing that will train you to set up a tent beforehand, and after you arrive at your destination, you will always be told to roar and dance to do these meaningless and youthful activities.

At 11 o'clock that night, before finally taking a break from the dancing and shouting activities, the class guide gathered us and said that he would go on a patrol and tell us ghost stories about camping by the way. I was quite resistant inside, because the ghost stories he told were really scary enough.

Lying in the sleeping bag, although I was very tired, I was still thinking about whether the class guide would come, and at the same time I wondered whether I would be able to sleep. If I couldn’t sleep, I would be even more tired tomorrow. fell asleep.

When I suddenly opened my eyes, I looked at the top of the tent, which was not very visible, and there were quite a few mosquitoes sitting on the top of the tent. The classmates next door and next door and next door and next door are sound asleep. It's dark and quiet all around, I really don't want to go out at this time, but when people wake up, they want to go to the bathroom... So I can't help but raise my hand and look at my watch, it's good, it's just three o'clock, at least before dawn more than two hours...

Even if you are paralyzed here and want to go to the toilet, you can't fall asleep again. I also didn't want people to get up and go with me for my own reasons, so I had to dilly-dally unzip the tent and climb out slowly.

In the dark night, there were only a few orange lights illuminating the tents, and there was not even a shadow of a person. I couldn't help but complain: Who the hell said that someone would come to patrol!

The toilet in the distance was pitch black, except for the faint camouflage light on the decorative bridge in front of the building that connected the toilet.

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of bright clothes (school jerseys were full of bright blues and reds) flashing by, and I thought, oh, so someone got up and went to the bathroom. Feeling comforted in my heart, I no longer wandered towards the toilet water without thinking.

Before I came to the building, I thought I subconsciously knew that I didn't have the courage to press the light and walk into the toilet and shower room, which was separated by five or six compartments full of unknowns, so even if I was still awake, my intuitive reaction was to take another picture. Barrier-free space in a single room on one side.

On the way back, I didn't see anything this time, maybe because I had nothing to do, so I went back to the tent indifferently and fell asleep.

Until the next day, I saw that everyone was keen on cooking, so I didn’t fight for land with them, and silently gave up the empty seat to wash the tomatoes, and when I came back, I ate and thought about it. It's not a person, because when I went to the toilet, it was pitch dark and no one turned on the light...

It can only be said that I am invincible when I am still half asleep (?, I will start shaking when I wake up (?

Thank you for reading such a not scary story (laughs)


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