begging gas story

Earth is in danger

About two weeks ago, when #decentralizehk set up the Assetmantle node, everything was ready except for the east wind and the gas fee to activate the node, but the stakedrop could not be transferred out. At that time, Assetmantle was not listed on Osmosis Frontier, so those who had coins could not give it. People who don't have coins can't even change it.

So I contacted the official social media for help, explained the situation, and attached the #decentralizehk webpage to prove that gas fee is really needed, and gas fee needs 1.x $MNTL, so I asked for 2 $MNTL.

I contacted discord, Telegram, and Reddit to find the person who sent the Assetmantle verifier post, but none of them responded.

Then I sent an email to apply for a validator according to the instructions in the notice of recruiting a validator, indicating that the node is almost done, and it is only a short gas.

The result was no response. I went to Telegram again, but when I met a liar, they set up a platform that is the same as the official one, and the people in it have the same name and photo as the official Telegram mod.

I express my needs with the real mod in the real Telegram, and then the fake mod responds to me the next second, linking me to the fake group, there are two fake mods here that give me two links, I look very wrong , to enter a mnemonic phrase, leave quickly.

Earth is in danger!

There are more than 1,000 people on that fake Telegram platform, and most of them are asking questions about the airdrop. There must be some people who use those strange links to enter the mnemonic phrase, and the coins in it will be transferred. But there must be a bunch of bitter masters here.

Then back to Reddit, some people got the stakedrop because they asked about the airdrop, but they didn't get the airdrop, but the person who asked the question was banned because the official hated FUD, and I found that I was also banned because of the gas fee.

In fact, it doesn't hurt me to be banned. The Assetmantle group has very few people, only more than 300 people. After being banned, they are not allowed to speak, but the content can still be viewed, and I mainly watch content in other large groups, and then there are some more on Reddit. An angry person who gets banned.

Since you can't get gas, you have to rely on yourself. The coins of stakedrop cannot be transferred out, but the rewards obtained after staking can be transferred out.

It was easy to save enough gas fee for 3 days, but the threshold for the node to be active has changed. After activation, the node would have cost more than 10,000 3 days ago, but it has become more than 20,000 $MNTL to be able to become Active. validator, very difficult, so stop there.

After this incident, I feel different about this project.

Decentralization depends on nodes. The validator is a partner. The notice asking for a validator asks people to send an email to apply. At least if a validator is not needed, they also respond, but there is no response at all.

It is difficult to avoid sending an airdrop, that is, the person who receives it sells it immediately. The image is not good, and the selling force is stronger. If you can sell it without vesting, you can sell it. Who will be with you forever.

Osmosis Bill 216, the proposal to increase the Incentive of Assetmantle LP, this Incentive needs the resources of Osmosis.

In the ghost group Reddit, there are a lot of people who were previously banned or offended and voted "No". They refused Assetmantle to use community resources. Of course, I also voted No. For the time being, the majority or half of those who voted Yes, but the number of those who voted No or Abstain is not too small, adding up to more than 30%. This figure reflects that the resolution will be passed as much as possible, but it is not what everyone expects.

I still try very hard every day to put up the staking reward in bits and pieces, and then replace it with ATOM or OSMO.


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#decentralizehk 驗證人投票 (2022.04.26 - 2022.05.08)

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