Ganma is hiding behind AI? But aren't you hiding behind your own persona?

Who is not hiding behind language?

The two situations of "hiding behind AI" and "hiding behind one's own persona" seem to reveal a very interesting paradox in contemporary creation: in today's rapidly developing technology, how do creators maintain their ability to maintain their abilities with the help of tools? Creation authenticity and personal style?

AI writing is an emerging field full of potential. Many creators are beginning to use AI to complete part or all of their creative processes. AI can quickly generate text, simulate different styles, and even create seemingly independent works based on a given theme. This is a powerful tool for authors who want to break through their creative blocks. It can provide inspiration, help authors discover creative paths they might otherwise have overlooked, and even save a lot of time on repetitive tasks.

However, the intervention of AI has also caused some controversy. Some people believe that when creators rely on AI to complete their works, they are "hiding behind AI" to a certain extent, which means that creators may reduce their personal investment in their works and hand over the creative initiative to machines. Not only does this dilute the personal style of the work, it can also cause it to lose its soul. After all, the value of a work often comes from the author’s unique perspective and emotional investment, which are difficult for AI to simulate.

This concept of "hiding" is not limited to AI. In fact, any creative form or tool may become a kind of "hiding" for the creator. For example, writers often create a "persona," which may be a pen name, a specific writing style, or a fictional narrator. These personas provide authors with a layer of protection, allowing them to maintain a certain distance in their creations, allowing them to more freely explore a variety of themes and emotions.

But does this mean that the author is "hiding"? In fact, both personality and AI are just choices of expression. Characters can make works more consistent and recognizable, while AI can liberate authors' creative potential and help them realize their ideas faster. Of course, this also means that creators need to be more vigilant to avoid completely relying on these tools and losing their own creative subjectivity.

We can bring this question back to a more basic level: What is the essence of creation? Creation is not just the use of technology, nor is it just the way of expression, but more importantly, the thoughts, emotions and opinions behind it. AI and human design are both tools used by creators to convey these inner contents. Whether you rely on AI to complete part of the creation, or use characters to construct the expression of the work, it ultimately depends on how the author uses these tools to achieve his or her creative goals.

From this perspective, whether it is "hiding behind AI" or "hiding behind one's own persona", it cannot simply be regarded as negative behavior. It depends on how the creator views these tools and how they integrate them into their creative process. If creators can fully understand and take advantage of these tools, they can still maintain the authenticity and personal style of their creations even when using AI or building characters.

Take AI as an example. It can quickly generate text and provide a large amount of creative inspiration. This is an efficiency that humans cannot achieve in a short time. However, these texts are only raw materials and ultimately require the creator’s personal perspective to process and polish them into works of unique value. Similarly, character design should not be seen as a barrier between creators and readers, but as a means to strengthen the internal consistency of the work. Through characters, creators can freely explore within a specific framework, thereby creating works with greater depth and coherence.

On the other hand, if the creator only passively relies on AI or human design, and does not pay attention to his own in-depth participation in the work, then the quality and personality of the work may indeed be affected. In this case, the negative connotation of "hiding" becomes even more obvious. This is not a problem with the tool itself, but a deviation in the way the creator uses the tool.

In summary, "hiding behind AI" and "hiding behind one's own persona" are issues that cannot be ignored in contemporary creation. Both are choices made by creators when facing new technologies and new challenges. No matter which method they choose, creators need to maintain initiative and critical thinking about the creative process in order to create truly valuable and personal works with the assistance of technology.


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