【Pineapple Enzyme】An anti-cancer and delicious health supplement!

Detoxification, slimming, improving constipation, enhancing physiological function, metabolism, healthy secrets without getting sick!

Another introduction to Yideng Health!

Today, I want to introduce a good food to everyone. Many netizens often say that they cannot do ketogenic diet. Because of work reasons, they need to meet guests and socialize. Most of them will eat out and do ketogenic diet. It is very difficult, so this time I want to introduce a very good product. them.

This is the Korean version of pineapple enzyme produced by atomy in Korea. There are 30 pieces in a box. What effect does it have?

Older people usually lack enzymes! Let me tell you what enzymes are?

There is a saying that without enzymes, there is no life. This statement is absolutely correct. What are enzymes? It is an enzyme, what is an enzyme? What I have talked about in the previous video is that the 20 kinds of essential amino acids we eat into the body, and more than 13,000 kinds of proteins are combined into more than 50,000 kinds of proteins and become enzymes.

The body needs these enzymes to help cells metabolize, and the energy of cells must be transformed by these enzymes, so if there is a lack of enzymes, many physiological functions of the body cannot function.

American naturopath Dr. Humbert Santino, he said: The human body is like a light bulb, and enzymes are like electric current. The light bulb will only light up when it is powered on. If there is no electricity, that is, without enzymes, our body is a light bulb that does not light up. .

Another MD, Ed Wah Howell, said: Enzyme deficiencies are a big killer of health, killing more people than cancer and accidents combined.

Mr. Lin Mingzhao, a biochemical doctor, said: When there is not enough enzyme medium in the body, the effects of nutrition, medicine, exercise and qigong cannot be exerted.

Therefore, the importance of enzymes is very important to the body. The most important role of enzymes is to promote the metabolism of more than 60 trillion cells in our body, to carry out various chemical reactions, and to digest and absorb food. Because the body's enzymes are limited, they need to be supplemented by food. If the diet does not supplement enough enzymes, a large amount of enzymes will be consumed during the digestion process, which will affect the body's metabolism and immunity.

In fact, if we have 100 enzymes in our body, 30 enzymes will perform digestion, and 70 enzymes will undergo physiological metabolism. If we need 70 enzymes for digestion, our physiological metabolism can only have 30. This will affect the function of our body, so that we do not have enough energy, the body will become weak, and many diseases and problems will appear. If we eat from morning till night, it will affect the physiological metabolism and cause many diseases.

In 2005, the Cancer Research Center of the Queensland Institute of Medicine, Australia, proposed that the extract of phoenix terrier also has pharmacological properties, which can activate specific immune cells while blocking the immune function of other cells. Minot said: Re-studying these components found that bromelain enzymes have two anti-cancer molecules called CCS and CCZ. CCS blocks a protein called Ras, which is responsible for about 30 percent of cancers, while CCZ stimulates the immune system to pick out and kill cancer cells. And found that two molecules CCS and CCZ can block the growth of various tumor cells including breast, lung, colon, ovary and melanoma.

However, one of the characteristics of enzymes is that they are not resistant to high temperature. When cooked food is cooked at high temperature, the enzyme activity is usually destroyed. Therefore, we usually have to eat more raw food, so that raw food has sufficient enzymes.

However, the diet of modern people is usually mainly cooked food, which is processed at high temperature, so only a small amount of enzymes can be absorbed in each meal.

In addition to humans, many pets are the same. Why do dogs, cats and cats often get sick because the food they eat has changed, and they are all dried at high temperature. They rarely eat raw animals and plants, so they all lack a lot of Enzymes and get sick easily, just like us.

The pineapple enzyme I introduced this time has a very good taste. It is not as boring as ordinary pill supplements. It has some sweet pineapple and mango flavors. The sweetness is that some erythritol will not have the problem of high glycemic index.

If you usually eat a lot of food, it can help digestion and reduce food stagnation, because this Korean pineapple enzyme contains nine different enzymes, which help us cut food macromolecules into small molecules, so that the body’s metabolic function can be reduced. Tired, reduce the burden on the intestinal digestive system, make the protein that is difficult to break down be broken down into smaller pieces, and make it easier for the body to absorb.

Another great advantage is that if a friend who has a bowel movement eats and drinks a lot of water on an empty stomach, the bowel movement in the intestine can be slowly decomposed and excreted easily, thus helping to solve the problem of laxative and constipation.

Its main function can help detoxify, clear the intestines and lose weight, clean up the intestines and stools, and the skin will be beautiful without a lot of acne!

What nine enzymes does this pineapple enzyme have?

The first is bromelain, which helps decompose very complex proteins, such as the lectins introduced in the previous two episodes. These super-complex proteins can be decomposed by bromelain.

The second is called amylase, which helps break down starch

The third is a common protease, which breaks down common proteins

The fourth is lipase, which helps break down fat

The fifth is cellulase, which helps break down fiber

The sixth is lactase, which helps break down lactose

The seventh is glucoamylase, which decomposes glucose and starch

The eighth is invertase, an enzyme that helps metabolic functions convert energy

The ninth is pancreatin, which helps the pancreas to reduce the burden on the pancreas

How to buy this good-tasting Korean pineapple enzyme?

friends in need

can directly whatsapp me 65844908

I will help you to purchase Korean genuine pineapple enzyme


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一燈DIY大家好我是一燈, 我現時主力都是在YouTube, Hive, Steemit, DTube, LBRY分享一些簡單有趣的生活創作DIY作品,慢慢也開始增加了自己生活的記錄點滴。近幾年我都學習不少虛擬貨幣的操作。這些我都會一一在這和大家分享。 Youtube: 一燈DIY http://bit.ly/2Jgl5FB IG: http://bit.ly/2HhUNR6
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