Mortal raving - 22.7.11 - Preconceived reflections

In life, we often unconsciously preconceived ~

Holy matters:

From childhood to adulthood, I have not consciously been swayed by preconceived notions. Sometimes I have suffered some minor losses without knowing it. When I realize it later, it is often too late. It takes a lot of effort and effort.

I remember the first time I was influenced or biased by preconceived notions. It was about hobbies. I remember it was from the sixth grade of primary school to the first year of junior high. I started to like watching football because of my big brother's encouragement. It was the 98 World Cup, because I was young. Coupled with the first contact with the World Cup football game, in short, I watched it ignorantly. Because the big brother likes the Brazilian team, and Ronaldo of the Brazilian team was at the peak of his days, so naturally he has a lot of eyes on him. In the end, as we all know, Brazil finally lost to France. At that time, because of Ronaldinho's so-called inexplicable sluggish performance in the final, there would be some rumors of conspiracy theories, so I felt that France was a little bit invincible, and Zidane's bald shape was not handsome at all (of course, that Brazil Not much handsome), so I have especially hated France and Zidane since then.

With the increase of age and the further understanding of football, I also gradually learned that France has always been a veteran football team, and there have been many football stars. I don’t want to let go of my inner prejudice. I still grit my teeth and say I don’t like Zidane. Then I give up watching many Zidane games, and I also miss a lot of Zidane’s classics. Under the preconceived notions, it is a pity to miss out from your own football world.

There is another example about sports hobbies. It is also a preconceived idea. Although I didn't miss anything this time, I still think that this kind of mentality is worth reflecting on. American football is my second favorite sport besides football, the first time I watched a football game a few years ago, it happened to be a classic retro look of the Denver Broncos on video, and watched a few big Manning era games The wonderful replay of the leading Broncos, and then I checked the Internet and found that Big Manning's career in the quarter was extremely brilliant. Then he fell in love with the Denver Broncos just like football loves Brazil, and has always advertised himself as the Broncos. fan. In fact, I thought about it later, do I really know a lot about the Mustang? It seems that there is no, but the contact with rugby is because of the Broncos' enlightenment. In addition, a little bit of unconventional little arrogant mentality is at work - generally speaking, if you like to watch football, you will choose traditional strong teams such as Brady's Patriots and Rogers' Green Bay Packers, so if you like the Mustangs, it seems that It will be slightly better in terms of force, and at the same time, it will show the outside world that I like watching football, not just to follow the trend - I really like it, you see, I like Mustangs, isn't it more connotative.

These little thoughts, for real football and American football fans, are not worth mentioning or feel a little petty and ridiculous. Because a true sports fan does not rule out having a favorite home team, but the main focus is on the game and the sports themselves. When viewing these sports with an eye for appreciation and enjoyment, the heart will be more open-minded and tolerant. Mentality, you still need to practice and adjust yourself.

In addition to the two sports-related examples above, there is an example of minor damage to a personal preconception that strikes me even more. I remember that I was introduced to digital currency for the first time in 2018 because of the introduction of my classmates. At that time, because I first came into contact with the Huobi exchange, I studied the Huobi platform in depth. account. In fact, of course, there are many exchanges that can open registration, such as Binance, Gate, Matcha, etc., but because of the preconceived notions, I feel that the Huobi Exchange is invincible, and there is no need to do other exchanges. Instead, there are too many accounts. good management. Later, the mainland will tighten policies and suppress digital currency, causing the currency to withdraw from the mainland market and closing mainland account transactions. At that time, because there was no other exchange number to spare, and other exchanges had closed the registration channels for mainland IPs or the registration process was unusually cumbersome, I finally made myself very embarrassed, especially when I missed the registration of Binance Exchange, not only It’s because of channel risks, and more importantly, Binance’s ecosystem is doing very well, and various projects are also prioritized in Binance. Because I don’t have a Binance account, I’ve also missed a lot of opportunities. Every time I think of this , could not help but regret it.

 Preconceived, there is a proper term in psychology, called "prime effect", first proposed by American psychologist Lochins, also called first effect, priority effect or first impression effect, refers to the first effect formed by both parties. The impact of an impression on future relationships is also the effect of "preconceived ideas". Although these first impressions are not always correct, they are the most vivid and firm, and determine the course of future exchanges between the two parties.

Not just interpersonal interactions, but all aspects of life are affected by primacy effects. After experiencing the influence of the primacy effect so many times, I reflected on it and wanted to reduce or avoid the negative losses caused by the primacy effect. First of all, be risky, that is, don't just put your eggs in one basket by feel. Secondly, we must hold this more open heart, deal with everything, on the premise of adhering to the main line, open our mind, look at the people and things we have experienced inclusively, and cross-validate in many ways, so that it is possible to not Biased by preconceived primacy effects.

I have to continue to cultivate myself, and I will share with you!

Matt City lives forever!


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