The master of counterfeiting, Yi Fuxian, is the "national teacher" who created Xi's population policy


Yesterday, the netizen "Little Doctor's Reading Notes" mentioned in an article "Where is Social Darwinism Wrong ":

In the early 19th century, inspired by Darwin's theory of evolution, some scholars proposed to use "scientific" methods to improve the quality of human beings, and criticized social welfare to allow "low-end people" to survive, thus giving birth to eugenics (Eugenics). Soon across the ocean, America hyped up and legislated to ensure that this eugenics was implemented, and a large number of so-called "low-end people" were restricted from birth (eg immigrants, people of color).

Such a statement is not unfamiliar. A few years ago, Yi Fuxian, in an article " Western Learning and the Integration of the Homeland: A Global Perspective on the Background of the Implementation of China's Family Planning Policy ", combed the Nazi eugenics and the United States' response to the so-called "" “Low-end people” have a history of implementing compulsory family planning, and equate China’s family planning with them.

But in fact, China's family planning did not specifically target any so-called "low-end people" at the beginning, but instead targeted the Han people, who make up the vast majority of China's population, and those within the Communist Party system even implemented the "one-child" policy. The most strict group, the former "one-vote veto system" of family planning is mainly set up for this group. In this respect, China's family planning policy at that time was more civilized and fairer than that of the United States, and it had nothing to do with Nazi-style genocide.

However, as Xi Wenzhu ascended to the highest stage of power in the Chao Dynasty, and Yi Fuxian received a "free business class ticket" rewarded by the Communist Party in 2013 to attend the Boao Forum, all this changed.

In the next few years, the master of counterfeiting Yi Fuxian has become the national teacher to create the "New Population Policy" of Xi Wenzhu. Published or published by China Development Press and periodicals "China Economic Report" and "China Development Observatory" under the Development Research Center. Yi Fuxian enjoys the favor and trust of the Xi regime, and he has the same glory for a while. He was rewarded with free business class air tickets by the CCP, and he was repeatedly mentioned by the "Financial Times" and other media with great interest.

In 2016, it was after the Xi regime accepted the "demographic theory" of Yi Fuxian and other anti-birth control groups based on fraud and lies that it finally allowed Han Chinese to have a second child.

And when Yi Fuxian and other anti-birth control factions made wanton lies and all kinds of bizarre anti-intellectual "theories" were rampant, some of his fellows made no secret of their Han nationalism thoughts.

On the "Population and Future" website, which has published many unreliable "demographic papers" by Yi Fuxian, an anti-birth control activist with the online name "Big Country and Small People" posted a post titled " Family planning is a genocide against the Han nationality" ( Of course, this article will not explain to you why, after decades of family planning in China, not only did the Han nationality not "genocide", but the population increased by hundreds of millions .) In the middle, he said fiercely:

If we want to make a living for the Han people and not the foreigners and foreigners, then we would rather kill all the foreigners !
Screenshot of "Population and the Future" webpage

A few years later, this anti-birth control ideology of "would rather kill all foreigners" became the guiding ideology of the CCP's forced sterilization of Uyghurs in Xinjiang.

It is no exaggeration to say that what Yi Fuxian and other anti-birth control groups brought to Xi Dynasty was the Nazi and American-style socialist family planning .

In fact, the anti-birth control group has heaps of social darlings. I still remember that when the Sichuan child labor case was exposed, piles of anti-birth control groups commented on the Internet, arguing that the government should not help those children (because when they opposed the family planning policy, the anti-birth control group said that raising children is the responsibility of the parents and has nothing to do with the government. ), believes those children should be left to fend for themselves.

Anti-birth control circles are as dirty as pigsties, filled with jaw-dropping anti-intellectual and even anti-human ideas. But none of those Chinese and Western intellectuals who think they love human rights have the courage to face the pigsty, admit that the pigsty is dirty, and none of them have the courage to clean the pigsty. All they know is to decorate the anti-birth control "pig sty" with Christmas ornaments, hang a picture of Jesus, and spray tons of "Human Rights" brand air freshener to cover up the stench that emanates from it.

Does any media dare to criticize Yang Zhu's statement that "it is legal for parents to sell their children and daughters" as a violation of the UN Declaration of Human Rights? No!

Does any media dare to admit and expose the piles of lies and rumors made by Yi Fuxian? No!

Is it a big joke that some media dare to criticize Liang Jianzhang for saying that "Malthus is outdated"? No!


No, no, none at all!

They will only pretend to forget Yi Fuxian's old lies that have been stabbed all over by me, and then put on the emperor's new clothes made of his new lies, and continue to shame him.

So the pigsty of the anti-birth control group will continue to stink. Because Yi Fuxian's stinky shit is still a favorite of many anti-birth control media and journalists who love "human rights".

(This article is edited and supplemented by comments made after "What's Wrong with Social Darwinism.")


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