Izumi Finance Stablecoin Liquidity Mining

Stablecoin LP

Izumi Finance's USDC/USDT LP is fun, pools with stablecoins, APY 1x%

The layout is very easy to use, add the USDC and USDT you want, in addition to the annual return, there is also Uniswap V3 NFT.

After providing LP, there are 2 NFTs

The two NFTs look similar, but they are actually a little different, and they can move.

After I staked the LP, I received another NFT

In fact, when it was given to me, I didn't pay attention, it appeared in the account anyway.

In the turbulent currency market, the stable currency LP is a shelter from the typhoon. It is not necessary to use this. There are other platforms to choose from.


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