【New Poem】【Creation】After Melting (from Snowman)

You know, go beyond that and you'll reach eternity.
Picture "Songs Of Stories" album cover

It's freezing cold and stepping on the snow

It's the sky again

where is the sunset

(Where is there, such good luck.)

we still say separation

(Please lift the veil of my mystery and sadness.)

Pretend you don't know

I will turn into a pool of water

(just a little warm,)

(I will become a river that keeps flowing forward...)

Remember that you still do this

hug me (you don't know how hot it is)

I was transformed into a plain appearance by you (willingly)

Moisturizing and drying up, I will no longer be full of tears

(Let the gods of heaven take me away, take away my sorrows.)

Although I know that you will cry for a long time for me

(You'll say, didn't know kisses would sting me,)

(I don't know, the parabola will hit the top of the coniferous forest,)

(Don't know, yelling can trigger an avalanche...)

when i have lost my voice

You can only hear the wind blowing

And water flow

(You don't want to separate...)

After the silence, you will eventually come

Warm spring birdsong bright green branches

grow slowly (you know)

(Go beyond and you will reach eternity.)


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

宏先男,2003年生,現年18歲。 停更中,請至以下管道追蹤最新文章~~~ IG ureyes.mymind FB 宏先創作 HKese 星級作家 宏先
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