[Watching] "The Pianist at Sea" 1900, a character that makes me very distressed (Part 1)

I have always hoped that 1900 will finally get off the ship and live a so-called "good" life. But later I understood that my "beautiful" life was a shackle or even an unimaginable existence for him.

unforgettable figure

The soft white and light moonlight draped over his shoulders, he sat on the piano and let the notes flow through his fingertips, his eyes always filled with sadness, this is the scene that often comes to my mind when I think of 1900.

Photo: Eye-opening movie

always miss him

I remember the first time I watched this movie, the feeling was really amazing, I always think of 1900 inadvertently in my life, maybe when I was washing dishes, when I was taking a ride, when I was taking a shower... There is always a " In my mind, I even began to imagine some endings outside the movie, such as: If in 1900, if they got off the ship to find that girl, would they have a happy life? Or if he and his friend Conn really formed a band together, they must be able to compose a very wonderful story.

It's that many plots like this will always appear in my mind, because I like 1900 very much, so I can't bear the ending of his life, I always feel that he deserves a better happy ending, so I keep thinking about what has obviously ended. Movie.

Why do you like 1900?

Because in him, I see the clean, pure, childish and lonely side of human nature, so I like him very much.

So why do I mention loneliness in particular, because I think loneliness is actually a feeling that everyone has, maybe you can't deeply understand it now, but it is actually deep in our hearts and subconscious.

Therefore, although I cannot fully appreciate the loneliness of 1900, I can find some shadows of myself or others in his loneliness.

Photo: Eye-opening movie

In life, the only thing you have to face is yourself

1900 has lived on a boat all his life, no father, no mother, no siblings, no grandparents, he has absolutely no idea where he came from, he doesn't know his roots. I think this will be a big hole in a person's life, and as he grows older, this hole will gradually be filled with loneliness. This is what I can feel in the eyes of 1900.

Maybe music can temporarily heal him and bring him happiness, but I think people are all animals that long for love. We instinctively want to be loved and to love people.

However, this is a topic he has to face in his life, and he is still confused about how to face his inner loneliness.

And each of us actually has our own issues to face, which may be the shadow of childhood, inferiority complex, jealousy, confusion, anxiety, fear and other emotions.

Especially in the current epidemic situation in Taiwan, many people need to be isolated from the outside world for a while because of illness or isolation. At this time, it is time for us to face ourselves. Without anyone to accompany or disturb you, what are you thinking at this time? When you are alone, what thoughts will come out of your mind? Are the thoughts and thoughts that come out that you have thought about before? Why does this idea appear?

I think this time is a good opportunity to settle your heart, use now to listen to the voices in your heart, and then try to write them down, and then you may have some experiences that you have never had before. , an opportunity to know yourself better.


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