Life Notes 29 | Breakfast Notes for Strawberry Season


In a Japanese tutoring class last week, I introduced the unique " Strawberry Cake Day " (ショートケーキの日) to the students. Why does this festival come? It's actually very simple. When you open the calendar, the top of the 22nd of each month It is the 15th, and the number "15" is the same as the Japanese pronunciation of strawberry "いちご". The strawberry is placed on the cake, so the 22nd of every month is called Strawberry Cake Day.

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Just a week later, the weather has changed 180 degrees, and the morning smells of fresh grass. It feels like a good day. As always, after the morning yoga, I took out two eggs from the refrigerator, put them in the electric pot and steamed for 15 minutes, and today I prepared a plate of red and plump strawberries that I picked on the weekend. of Americano, replaced with honey pomelo cold brew.

Strawberries drizzled with honey, served with a cup of honey pomelo

Drop the stylus, order a fresh folk song, drink coffee slowly, flip through the calendar, and welcome the new March morning...

My name is Venus, and I am a fragment of pictures and texts about life. Welcome everyone to visit the Facebook page "Have a Good Life" .


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VenusFree Venus,二十代女生,與美學和文字為伴,奉行人生哲學——好好過日子。 有事可以寫信給我 《好好過日子》臉書專頁 Instagram @venus_free
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