Nie Gaoxin Mountain + Cameron Mountain: Use your hands and feet to go up the mountain

Buli Trail > Nie Gaoxin Mountain > Buli Trail > Cameron Hill > Middle Gap Road > Wan Chai Gap

First of all, take a bus from Central to Wong Nai Chung Reservoir. The picnic people who go to Tai Tam Reservoir also get off the bus at the same stop, but we go in the other direction, pass through a pile of luxury houses, and walk from the concrete road of Buli Path to a map sign The location is the entrance of the mountaineering, and then climb the mountain with hands and feet through the diversion channel.

Nie Gaoxin Mountain is about 430 meters high and is located in the center of Hong Kong Island. It is very steep uphill in the south, with an incline of about 60 degrees. It is better to go up the mountain than down the mountain. It is very exciting to see a lot of strange stones from below. We climbed to rest under the Upper Eagle Head Rock and looked up at the tip of the Eagle's Tsui. Walking to another scenic spot "Masked Rock", the slope is almost 80 degrees. Since the stone is a little high and the feet are not long enough, they all push the front to climb the big rock. The last one is a boy, so let him come up by himself. It's not that girls can't climb up, but it takes more effort, or it's easier for tall people. When we got to the upper mask stone, there were 4 men who were intoxicated and punched in, and we didn't want to wait, so we had to ask them to borrow it first, so that we could pass through the mask stone, go around the back and go to the top of the mountain.

The section after leaving the mask stone is easier to walk, and there are large rocks and platforms in the middle where you can rest and enjoy the beauty of the port island. Going to the top of the mountain, there is a group of auxiliary transmission stations for TV broadcasting. At that time, I happened to meet a mountain friend on the other side of the mountain. He asked us the location of the mask stone and whether it was easy to go down the mountain? We had to go back to him because it was very steep, and we had to use both hands and feet. We can try to see the mask stone, but it is not recommended to go down the mountain there. As for the whole section of their way up the mountain, there were long stairs. It wasn't really easy to walk, but it wasn't that dangerous. When we looked back from Cameron Hill to the west, we realized that the stairs were really long and steep.

Go back to Buli Trail, go back to an easy concrete road, and then take a non-straight path to Cameron Mountain. Compared with Nie Gaoxin Mountain, it is not inclined to use both hands and feet, but the road is a bit rotten, and there are also many branch lines. On the way to the woods, I met other people along the way. Some people are going to burst into the forest, so if we go back, we are not afraid. We can enjoy the 360-degree scenery of the mountains and rivers at the top of the mountain. The view of Cameron Hill is more open than that of Nie Gaoxin Mountain. Although the height is not much more than 439 meters, the former has a dense forest on the top of the mountain. For mountain friends who are not afraid of bursting forests, this scene is also worth a visit.

Finally, the not difficult section of the forest-exploding road goes down the mountain to Zhongxia Road. There is also a viewing platform there. Those who do not go up the mountain can also take the concrete road from the Buli Road to take a leisurely outing, and then walk to Wanchai Gorge. Complete this journey.

We didn't need 4 hours to complete the whole process, it was not hard, and we didn't even stretch the tendons when we got home, it was easy. But it is really not recommended for friends who are not good at using both hands and feet and bursting forests. Therefore, many hiking networks are also regarded as 4-star routes.



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