"Before you envy others, learn to envy yourself first"


Are you like me, sometimes you envy others unconsciously? Even unconsciously generate a little "jealous" psychology?

As we grow up and have more material and experiences, our minds to understand the world gradually change from a simple "curious experience" to a "comparison of good and bad".

There is nothing wrong with envy, but because this envy breeds jealousy, even anger or self-blame, thoughts that we know are not helpful to us.

However, sometimes I accidentally fall into this circle, what should I do? Maybe a little insight I got this morning can provide a reference!


People say don't look at your phone 10 minutes before you wake up in the morning. Give your newly awake brain a little time and feel the freshness of a day's rebirth! I've been reminding myself of this habit since this year, but this morning, I just forgot! !

When I woke up in the morning, the reminder messages on my mobile phone kept coming, and I subconsciously slid off social media. After reading the first post, I saw an old friend posted an article sharing his recent achievements with joy!

Just as I was sharing this message with my teammates, I noticed that although I said congratulations on my mouth, my heart was not very happy...

Because I know that those achievements were also the goal of my efforts, the realm that I have pursued with all my heart... Unfortunately, I have never had such achievements, and it is even less possible to feel the joyful experience gained from those achievements.

So when I saw the other party's achievements, in addition to envy, I also felt a great sense of loss in my heart...

Envy, jealousy, self-blame and other negative emotions flooded my mind. Just as I was thinking about how I couldn't have those results, a voice came out of my head:

"Don't envy others! If you were to envy yourself, what would you envy?"

I started to think seriously, what things do I have that make me proud even when a third person sees me as a person?

I have a healthy body.
I have a complete family.
I have no shortage of food and clothing.
I have the opportunity to go to higher education and get a Ph.D.
I am at work where I can devote myself to and perform.

I dare to try.
I know that I am loved, understood, and supported.
I am happy to share experiences.
I am good at communicating and expressing with others.
I love to spread joy, spread love.
I can clearly perceive that I am in control of my own destiny.
And more importantly, most of the time now, I feel happy and happy ❤️

Before I knew it, I suddenly realized that I had a lot more! So much that I think it might be annoying to write any more? !

When your heart feels rich and you can deeply appreciate what you have, whether others are rich or not, how well others have achieved, will actually not affect you! Because my heart is full of abundance, how can I have time to worry about the results of others? And this world is very real, everyone actually cares about themselves the most!

So, the next time you realize that you are envious of others, remember to ask yourself: What will I be envied by?

When you learn to be grateful for what you have, you can get rid of the dark heart of envy. At the same time, we will be more mindful and sincerely congratulate others on their achievements! In the process of practicing "envy yourself", you will also nourish yourself with more positive beliefs and strengths, and let yourself hold your head high and move towards your ideal self!


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

AmyQHi, 我是AmyQ,一個來自台灣的活潑女孩。天生喜歡和人群接觸,卻走上一條需要時常獨自潛心修練的"科學家奇幻之旅"。曾旅居歐洲,目前繼續學習如何當一名專業且優秀的生物醫學研究人員。近期,腦筋急轉彎!想開啟人生新方向!期許在追逐自我實現的過程中,能傳遞愛與勇氣給這世界,感悟生命的奧義與美好!
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