English of the Week|Practical & Business & Popular English all in one 🤗

Are you familiar with the daily English, business and Teochew articles from the past few weeks? ✌️ Let’s learn different kinds of English together again this week. There are simple explanations and example sentences in the article 💕 Friends who didn’t see it last week, remember to come and see it every week from today onwards 👀

Are you familiar with the daily English, business and Teochew articles from the past few weeks? ✌️

Let's learn different kinds of English together this week

There are simple explanations and example sentences in the article 💕

Friends who didn't see it last week, remember to come and see every week starting today👀

Daily English 💬

Don't be in a daze! 👉 Stop zoning out!

📚Example 1)

Are you listening to me? Stop zoning out! Are you listening to me? Stop zoning out!

📚Example 2)

Stop zoning out, we don't have time. Stop zoning out, we don't have time!

Business 💬

Get off work on time! 👉 get off on time

📚Example 1)

Do you usually get off work on time?

📚Example 2)

We usually get off work on time, but sometimes we have to work a lot later.

Trendy articles 💬

Follow drama 👉 binge-watch

📚Example 1)

I can't believe I spend all night binge-watching that show! I didn't think I spent all night binge-watching that show!

📚Example 2)

A lot of my friends like to binge-watch shows. Most of my friends like to binge-watch shows.

Friends who are interested in the above courses 👬

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