【James】Learn five noise reduction methods in ten minutes, how to reduce noise with a sensitivity of 51200, and how to perfect and comprehensively improve image quality for photographers! Comes in RAW format


Despite the ever-improving low-light capabilities of cameras, controlling image noise remains the biggest challenge for aspiring photographers.

It is definitely the best choice for professional photographers to get the cleanest image possible through correct exposure settings in the early stage.

There are also many scenes that require us to be forced to make choices, taking noisy photos or not capturing content at all.

I am James Yu Zhen, a professional landscape photographer. Give me ten minutes to teach you how to reduce noise and learn how to improve the quality of photos immediately.

One: The most basic method: Lightroom RAW noise reduction

With the continuous advancement of computer technology, noise reduction technology has become more and more varied.

While Lightroom is a must-use software for professional photographers, the details panel in the modify photo module can meet the simplest noise reduction requirements for post-processing.

After loading the RAW format file into Lightroom, the details panel will adjust the "color" slider in the noise reduction to 25 by default, automatically reducing part of the color noise.

Lightroom also provides two additional sliders for fine-tuning: Detail and Smoothness.

Neither will have a very noticeable effect on the image, so I usually leave them at their default value of 50.

You can try to move the Brightness slider, the change will be larger, and the Detail and Contrast sliders should also try to keep the default values.

Conclusion: The noise reduction effect of this automatic adjustment can only be said to be average. The advantage is that the noise reduction based on the RAW format will not damage the source file, and there is no additional cost.

Two: The easiest way: DxO PureRAW processing software

DXO's deadly weapon is not just noise reduction software, but the noise reduction effect is so good, and the operation is too simple, I immediately paid for it after trying it out, and added it to my post-photography workflow.

It can be operated even if you don’t know English. It’s as simple as importing and clicking to convert. Because you want to adjust, there are no options for you.

Let's show the effect of DeepPRIME intelligent algorithm. For the same RAW file, Lightroom's noise reduction is completely incomparable with PureRAW.

Now every time I take a photo, I first use PureRAW to process it and convert it into DNG format. After improving the image quality, reducing noise, and correcting distortion, I will import it into Lightroom.

DNG format is Adobe's open source RAW format, we can continue to adjust exposure and do any other operations we want in Lightroom.

And PureRAW considerately helps you create two directories before and after, to ensure that the source files are still there.

Conclusion: This is the simplest and most effective method. As long as you are willing to spend money, $90 is really not expensive. Please don’t ask me for the download address. I bought it myself. As for where to go for free, I think Jack Ma For sure.

The disadvantage is that the Apple M1 chip is not currently supported, and it has no effect on my old Imac, but I think it will be supported soon, after all, M1 must be the mainstream.

Three: The most intelligent method: Topaz DeNoise AI noise reduction plug-in

There are many third-party noise reduction plug-ins on the market. I have used both Noiseware and Nik Dfine, and they can take noise reduction to a new level.

Portrait photographers generally install skin smoothing software, Portrait, and then they most likely install Noiseware from the same company, which is also the noise reduction plug-in I have used for the longest time.

Landscape photographers will definitely buy Nik Collection, which includes the Dfine noise reduction plug-in. You can set detection points in Dfine as the basis for evaluating noise.

In fact, PureRAW's noise reduction algorithm must have been born out of Dfine. A company's products are re-sold for money, and the French are better at doing business than the Americans.

But now the most recommended is the Topaz DeNoise AI noise reduction filter, which can exist as a stand-alone software or as a plug-in for Lightroom or Photoshop.

I usually use the noise reduction plug-in in Photoshop, because the noise reduction result can be placed in another layer for further processing.

In fact, DeNoise AI automatic effect is not much better than PureRAW, but Denoise provides many options for you to set, which allows us to adjust according to different shooting content, if PureRAW is responsible for RAW format noise reduction, then DeNoise can handle a lot of Photoshop processing noise generated in .

Conclusion: It is also 80 US dollars. It is definitely worth buying for me who relies on photography for a living. How about you? It only depends on your mood, but the trial is free, so consider paying if you think it's worth it!

Perhaps the biggest problem for mainland photographers is that there is only an English version and no Chinese version. Of course, there are only a few buttons. Just search the name in Google Translate for a general meaning. Without Google Translate, you can use any translation tool you can use.

Four: The most lossless method: PS layer stack noise reduction

Most of the noise reduction methods are lossy noise reduction, 100% will damage the image quality, which is why it is more important to take a clean picture in the early stage. Noise reduction will reduce the sharpness of the photo, and it is not suitable for shooting in ultra-low light environments Brighten the dark part, such as the starry sky, such as the firefly hole.

In starry sky photography, you can turn on the noise reduction in the camera to eliminate the fixed noise caused by long exposure, but there is nothing you can do about the random noise caused by high sensitivity.

We must use the layer smart stack noise reduction technology, which requires you to cooperate with the pre-shooting and post-processing to solve the noise.

The camera is placed on a stable Leica tripod, and a series of photos are taken continuously. The number of photos is generally a power of 2, such as 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and so on.

I like to take 16 shots, because this free star stack noise reduction artifact has a limit on the maximum number of RAW+ stack files, and can only process up to 16 RAW format files.

With the same parameters, after averaging or stacking the photos taken at the same location, all the noise will be reduced accordingly, but it will not be completely eliminated, but when you take 16 photos, the remaining noise is basically invisible to the naked eye.

In fact, in addition to noise reduction, the layer stack method can also effectively improve the tolerance of the photo, especially the details of the dark part. This advantage makes it very useful when we shoot some scenes that cannot be filled with light.

Astral photography uses RAW+ to solve the problem of star movement, which is simply impossible to accomplish only by automatic alignment of Photoshop.

Summary: layer stack noise reduction is a good method, and there is no additional cost, but it is not perfect. The first disadvantage is that the stack operation is very slow and takes a long time. The second disadvantage is that many shots must be taken for the same scene , only suitable for motionless or slow motion scenes, don't even think about shooting birds.

Friendly reminder: Copying the same picture 16 layers for stacking has no noise reduction effect, why? Those who know the answer are welcome to share your answer in the comment area.

Five: The most perfect supplement: brightness mask and dark part noise reduction

The above methods are all global noise reduction, that is, the noise reduction strength is the same in all areas, and the AI ​​​​smart words may be different.

If you understand the law of noise generation, you will find that the noise is mainly concentrated in the dark part, especially the dark part that is forcibly brightened in the later stage must have more noise.

If we use high-intensity noise reduction software to process, the noise in the dark part is indeed optimized, but the whole picture becomes very fleshy, and the sharpness details are eliminated.

In fact, similar problems can also occur in many portrait microdermabrasion software. The skin is smooth, but the eyes are not focused. The correct way is to use a mask to remove the facial features of the person from the noise reduction selection area.

It is impossible to manually select the so-called dark parts in a landscape photography, so the brightness mask tool must be used to help.

TKPanel is very convenient, it’s more accurate if you spend money, and the free version is enough. You can automatically select the dark part with two clicks. For how to create a brightness mask by yourself and get free panel tools, please refer to this video of mine. The content is too dry. I won't go into details today.

By default, the shadow channel is perfect enough to be constrained. It is also very convenient to create this channel manually. With suitable tools, it is easier to choose a suitable dark channel. I am a lazy person. I have ready-made TK masking tools and I never want to waste time. Created manually.

Conclusion: The mask selection is based on the previous noise reduction method, especially after the Photoshop noise plug-in and average stack noise reduction, use the brightness mask to constrain the dark part, which is the most perfect noise reduction supplementary skill.

at last

In fact, the purpose of the final image determines your choice of noise reduction tool. Moments or Instagram, image sales websites or printout requirements are completely different.

Just like comparing with Topaz Denoise AI head-on, the effect of Lightroom’s built-in details panel is terrible, but if you just post small pictures on social media, it is actually effective enough, and it is fast and effective, and there is no additional fee.

The noise reduction process of professional photographers is often a mixture of several methods. It is realized by using the brightness mask to constrain the dark part. Another friendly reminder is that noise reduction is always the first step in post-processing, and sharpening is often This is the last step, don't forget this step.

The most important thing is that I hope that everyone will not rely too much on noise reduction software. Shooting the cleanest images is the most domineering way. A stable tripod can bring you good luck and help you shoot blockbuster movies.

Have you learned it? This is a 4K high-definition video. The comparison of the noise reduction effect is also best done through 4K video. If you don’t understand the effect once, please watch it on a computer or TV for the second time. The clearer the difference, the easier it is to see.

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