Another World Fantasy Novel "Assistant of the Demon" Chapter 7 (4)

熊太先森|NFT 社群研究
The 3rd Tianxing Novel Award was shortlisted. "What qualities do you think a person needs to have to be a king?" An Englishman born in the ordinary world - Bertha. After living in the Demon World for three years, Vessalius received a letter from the Demon King because he solved a dangerous incident, and learned that he was invited to become the Demon King's direct assistant with a high salary. However, behind the high salary, the responsibility that needs to be shouldered is not only your own safety, but also the life of others. Bertha's first job as an assistant was to deal with "Merlin"'s betrayal of "King Arthur"!

"Arthur Pendragon" was standing alone in front of the inquiry desk, watching me, while his companion had already left.


He smiled wryly at me, his brows furrowed like mountains, his blue eyes no different from Arthur's showing sadness.

Is this a sign of danger to come? Should I run away?

Before the answer jumped out, he spoke in Arthur's voice: "Please take good care of Artie for me, Miss Bessarius."

I was stunned, forgetting how to command physical activity: what?

"Let's meet in Avalon in seven days."

When the words fell, he turned around, leaving behind the confusion in my head, and walked towards the stairs leading to the practice field.

What's going on here? What does he mean? What is Artie? Arthur's nickname? Then he is...


The moment I called out this name, my feet were about to start, and I wanted to catch him who was about to disappear from sight, but someone behind me stopped me at this moment: "Sorry, Vessalius. It's been a long wait—what's the matter? ?"

My reason stopped the impulse, my body stopped, and I returned to reality from my chaotic consciousness: if Arthur were to see him now...

If Arthur were to meet "Arthur Pendragon" now, what would happen to the situation?

"I just want to resolve this peacefully."

"He was like my father, always caring for me, loving me, helping me when I needed it, and doing everything possible to keep me out of danger. I can't imagine him trying to kill me. ”

"But he's become...become I'm no longer familiar."

Just as Arthur's words kept ringing, my thoughts were answered in one sentence:

"Please take good care of Adi for me, Miss Vessalius."

That's sincere. I recall the look on his face when he said that, and I'm pretty sure: that was genuine concern.

And since this is the truth, why are things still going in a bad direction? Why do they still have to stand in the competition venue and fight to the death? When my thoughts ran to this point, I suppressed my rationality. I grabbed Arthur's arm and said to him:

"Follow up."

"If you want to save every life, you need power, but you don't have any power right now."

"And you are not willing to save even if you have the strength."

Memories from two months ago flashed through my mind and supported my actions. I said to Arthur, who still only knew how to stand still, "Come after me!"

"Chase... chase what?"

I pointed in the direction that "Arthur Pendragon" left and shouted, "It's Merlin! Merlin has appeared!"

He became unresponsive and did not move.

"What's the matter? Don't be in a daze, Arthur." I started pulling his hand and trying to run: "Hurry up—huh?"

Unfortunately, he resisted vigorously, shook his head gently, and spat out a response: "No..."

What? "Why don't you chase? Don't you want to settle everything peacefully? Not only did he call you Adi, but he also told me to take good care of you!"

His blue eyes widened, and then tears poured out of their frames.

"Don't cry. Now is not the time to cry!" I ignored the fact that people stopped to look at us in the lobby where they continued to tug at him. But he was still reluctant to move forward: "Just catch up! You should take advantage of this time and ask in person why he didn't return his identity to you!"

"No... Bessarius, don't be like this... It's not as easy as you think, so..."

"What's wrong? What's not as simple as I thought? You—"

"If I look at the current data, I really don't have a clue." Having said this, the conversation with Ross in the afternoon was suddenly replayed, reminding me of one thing: "But the premise is that these data are free of any lies or concealment. included."

I frowned and asked, "Anything else bothering you? Arthur Pendragon."

"" His words were hoarse and weak, and I couldn't see his expression when he lowered his head, but I could hear the guilt in his tone: "I didn't...hide anything..." This is definitely A lie, but I can't say anything to debunk it. The smell of rust in the air is now tinged with bitterness, making my nose ache and preventing understanding and thinking. "It's just... whether I catch up or not, I have no way out, right? Vesarius."

I can't help clenching my fists, not willing to have nowhere to vent: "You'll regret giving up, Arthur."

However, he never spoke again. He just stayed where he was, letting the tears fall, the time flies, and the opportunity slipping away. What drives him to be tight-lipped? Why is he still reluctant to tell me the truth even in the face of death? During the next seven days, I tried numerous times to ask him for more information while practicing with him, without success.

His reaction was that as long as he told the hidden things, even I would disappear from his world...

Then, betray him.

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