How to prevent fraudulent loans? Analyze the fraudulent tactics and important risks of each channel

Recently, domestic frauds have emerged in an endless stream. The most famous one is that people have been deceived into Westport, Cambodia, and have been resold as "goods" for many times. They have engaged in illegal activities such as fraud. Live harvesting; some of the victims mistakenly believed the fraudulent message that "going abroad will have a lower interest rate for insurance" because of the loan interest rate, and were sent to Cambodia, where they were taken away under house arrest by a local fraud group. This article will introduce you to the common types of loan frauds, teach you how to prevent loan frauds, and provide you with a legal and safe loan channel. Let's keep reading!

【Common channels for loan fraud】

▲ 6 kinds of fraud channels

1. Loan Fraud Newsletter

Loan SMS is a recent fraudulent method. This type of fraudulent message will ask the public to add the other party's Line, and use the name of investment and loan to deceive the public to pay.

2. LINE group

Some fraudulent groups will search for people who are "set to open unfamiliar messages" through Line, and fake the other party into a fraud group to conduct fraud; or use a one-to-one chat method to gain the trust of the other party and start fraud, allowing the public to step in step by step. Loan fraud trap.

3. Facebook one-page phishing site

Facebook is full of many one-page phishing websites, which use a few tempting words to attract people; for example, the advertisements for loan fraud will be "easy to borrow", "high loan amount", "low interest rate ", etc. Word propaganda means that people who are in urgent need of money will not spend too much time to confirm the authenticity of the website, and they will be easily deceived.

4. Phone scams

Telephone fraud is the most old-fashioned method. Most of them instruct the public to operate ATM transfers, and a few use loans to defraud. The common point is that fraud groups will use words to deceive the public, so that the other party believes that they are really hooked and transfer the money. Send money to illegal accounts.

5. Advertisements of loan companies

Some private lenders will use words such as "easy to borrow", "guaranteed once", "high loan amount" and "low interest rate" to attract people to apply for loans, but there are many traps behind these words.

6. The rhetorical fraud of the loan company and the text trap of the contract

Many unscrupulous loan companies, in order to deceive the people who come to the loan, will use some words to persuade them to apply for a loan plan with high interest rate. There are also unscrupulous businessmen who play word games on the contract, asking the public to sign the contract, and earn liquidated damages afterward.

(Read on to learn more...)


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蔡志杰「新事貸」為新鑫公司二胎房貸合法經銷商,主要業務是二胎貸款服務,由蔡志杰協理帶領的資深銀行團隊,具備銀行從業的專業,加上理解客戶急需資金的心情,希望幫助到想申辦二胎房貸的客戶取得資金。 【創辦人介紹】 蔡志杰 新事貸品牌創辦人(新鑫二胎房貸經銷商) 21年銀行從業經歷,曾任職以下金融機構: ● 台北國際商業銀行(現為永豐商業銀行) 企業金融 ● 國泰世華銀行 消費金融 ● 板信商業銀行 消費金融
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