Unlucky day, but very grateful.

experience new pain.
Pharmacological effects of mugwort
price list

Going for treatment this day, I have to step on Shichun after the foot bath this time, and then massage for half an hour. Compared with the last grade 20 pain, it is obviously less painful. The female doctor told me that I had to bleed me in order to remove the blood stasis from my body. First, she helped me cup the cups, and then used a tool with many needles to puncture the cupping position, like using a stapler My body, and then cupping to suck the blood away, puncturing the same position three times repeatedly, repeating the cupping three times to suck the blood away, this pain is really blind and new to me, I have never experienced this kind of pain before, it does not stop at the wound The stab was like the top ten tortures. The female doctor comforted me, as long as I endure the pain, I will get better. This process was done for about an hour. There were twelve red patterns on the entire back. There were too many toxins in the body, and the blood sucked out was darker. Finally, moxibustion must be done in order to exert the maximum effect. Compared with the feeling of burning last time, my ability to endure has also improved, and the time of being burned is ten minutes longer.


After the treatment, it was almost dusk. I went to eat dumplings nearby. I ordered a black bean paddle to come first. At this time, a boy was sitting beside me. Be careful, his backpack swept down the isolation rubber plate on the table, and the black soy milk fell on top of me. I was frightened and screamed, and he hurriedly apologized. I've never had anything like this before, and I was thinking, fortunately the dumplings haven't come yet, what should I do if a bowl of hot soup is poured on me? I'm so thankful that the frozen soy milk poured on me instead of hot soup, and I was wearing a short skirt.

After having dinner in a hurry, I have to rush to learn "Travel Mandarin". This course has been postponed until this day due to the epidemic, so I can take classes in person. I was 30 minutes late for the first class, and one of my classmates was half late. I only came to class after an hour, and the teacher joked that the class would be dismissed soon. It turns out that I am not the latest one, haha. We have ten students, most of them are over fifty years old, there are more women than men, I must be the youngest one. The teacher asked if we have studied Mandarin before? I told her in my Mandarin that I had been learning for many years, but I still couldn't understand it. She said that I had to practice my initials to make Mandarin more brilliant. The teacher played two Mandarin songs to sing with us. These two songs are about the shepherd who stood waiting for you for three thousand years and Keketuohai. It was the first time I heard these songs, but other students knew how to sing together. They said that Wang Qi's The song is very nice, so I joined them to sing along.

Although it was a very unfortunate day, I was very grateful.


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