Memories sharing│What's up with having a crush on a netizen?

I have a crush on my senior and the big brother next door, but I have a crush on a netizen. What is going on?

Adolescent boys and girls are always yearning for love, and I am no exception. I remember that when I was 14 years old, in the eyes of my parents, I was a good daughter who read books well, but I didn’t know that the seed of longing for love was sprouting in my heart.

At that time, apart from studying and tutoring, my only joy in life was the online games that I was fascinated by my classmates. When I first came into contact with online games, in addition to practicing and fighting monsters, I also learned a lot of Internet terms. However, the most interesting thing is I make many friends in the game, I can't see each other's face, I can only feel each other's mood in the text. This is actually very interesting. For example, when I type "hahahaha", I don't laugh so happily at all, but such an interaction Mode, for me who was introverted and shy at the time, was the most comfortable distance for me.

Then, in this game I fell in love with a boy four years older than me,

I can tell you the end of this love first...

There was no time together, no ending, and we perfectly missed the time when we liked each other.

To him, I'm just a little kid in the middle school. He's a high school student who is about to take a big exam. A child may have a cowardice. I don't shy away from liking him, just like a child whose hair hasn't grown up yet. Like chasing after him, he just understands this matter silently, I didn't confess, he didn't have to refuse , every day when I open the game online, I just find where he is first, sometimes I wait until midnight, just to see if he will not. It will suddenly appear. If he is there, I will keep chatting with him. I don't know why I can open the chat box and talk non-stop when I meet him. Guaranteed that the time to play games will not be reduced, but I am desperately trying to maintain my schoolwork!

Then more than a year later, the game was not played, but we exchanged MSN (the most popular communication software at the time), and chatted and shared life every day. As a college student, he slept in the middle of the night like a night owl every day, and I stayed up all night with him. Youth is the capital! ( Now I can't stay up late at all.

Later we exchanged phone numbers, and that night, he called me, but I didn't answer it, so I didn't dare answer it.

Then we were just friends all the time, we should say "netizens".

I'm afraid I'm not what he expected.

(I’m also afraid of accidentally becoming the headlines of social news ((Huh?!

I also feel conflicted, but there will always be a way that if we go further, it will destroy the beautiful relationship we have built now.


After a while, Facebook came out, we became friends, and I had imagined what he would look like countless times. Finally got a chance to see each other's faces. He himself looks very simple, smiling and squinting, is a clean big boy. I think he also expected that I should look like a girl with flowing hair like in the game! (laughs)

But because of my timidity, I couldn't get in touch further, and in the end, we were busy with schoolwork and our own lives, and we gradually became estranged.

When I was in high school, I made a boyfriend, I told him about it, and he blessed him generously. My crush on him ended without a hitch. After college, I broke up with my boyfriend, and my personality became more outgoing. It may also be because I learned how to dress up, I have some suitors, and I have a little more confidence. I still keep in touch with him occasionally, and I can feel that he wants to pursue me, which is not positive, but with this meaning, I think I should no longer be just a little boy to him!

It's just that we are no longer what we used to be. I kept a little distance from him. I know that I don't like him that much, but he is still a very special friend.


I'm no longer a girl, at least I'm a mature girl. Love is not as attractive to me as it used to be. I feel that I can write the story of that little girl who had a crush on a netizen when she was in such a state of mind. Now I will go back and watch this experience. It’s really not straightforward, I like people but I don’t even dare to answer the phone, it’s pure love (laughs)

Now we all have our own lives. Occasionally he will come to my IG to give a like, and I will like him back. It has turned into a light friendship. The unfulfilled love is actually unforgettable. It will remind you of the childishness How did you learn to love yourself.


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