[Post-doctoral graduates in 2000 plan to be appointed as a special associate researcher at NTU, and netizens quarreled after picking up the thesis] As some expert netizens said, Li Yuewen's position is actually a "big postdoc"


After 00, they are ready to be an associate researcher in a famous school.

Li Yuewen, a recent doctoral graduate from Nanjing University , was born in June 2000 and is just 22 years old this year.

After an 11-day publicity period, she was hired as a special associate researcher at the School of Electronic Science and Engineering, Nanjing University.

The other two doctors who appeared on the public list with her, one was born in the 80s and the other was born in the 90s.

Many netizens lamented that they are still studying for an undergraduate degree at this age, why is there such a big gap between people?

So how did she do it at such an age?

Li Yuewen is from Anhui.

According to the official account of Lishui College, she went to elementary school when she was 4 years old, and she was in the second grade directly .

Then the fifth grade jumped again and went directly to the first year of junior high, which was equivalent to graduating from primary school at the age of 8.

She skipped grades by self-studying the next semester's courses in advance during the summer vacation.

She said that she lived in her uncle's house when she was studying. His family was a teacher's family, which gave Li Yuewen a good learning atmosphere and helped her develop the habit of self-study.

After entering junior high school, Li Yuewen studied step by step without skipping grades.

In 2014, at the age of 14, she was admitted to Nanjing University, majoring in electronic engineering, and became the youngest undergraduate student of the 2014 class of the School of Electronic Science and Engineering of Nanjing University.

That year was also the first time that Li Yuewen entered the public eye, and many media reported her deeds.

The counselor rated her as "independent and intelligent", "high emotional intelligence, very active", "not much different from the children in the same class".

At that time, the then-principal of Nanjing University also met with her specifically and encouraged her to experience the school's "three-three-system" teaching features ("three-stage training" and "three-choice development paths") and complete her studies ahead of schedule.

But in the end, Li Yuewen completed his undergraduate degree in normal years, and then went straight to the school.

Her Ph.D. took only four years (normally five years, but maybe six years for some).

Now, just after graduating, she got an offer from her alma mater and became a fairly young associate researcher.

In the comments of netizens: "Debut is the pinnacle".

But for all this, she has long claimed that she is not a child prodigy, but that elementary school is ahead.

Stories like "Young and Prosperous" are not particularly rare, but this time, the situation is a little different .

In the consistent blessing and envy, we have seen some voices of doubt, mainly aimed at her scientific research level.

Many people picked up Li Yuewen's thesis, only to find that she is studying electrical engineering, but her research is on some "inorganic semiconductor materials that cannot be practical", just like a "pseudo-chemical biology".

At the same time, the comments also pointed out that the research content of the paper is "without depth and novelty", and is "what can be produced by those public instruments in the school analysis and testing center":

It felt like a complete waste of her youth and scientific talent (if any).

Also, many papers are only published in journals in the third and fourth districts, such as Journal Of Physics D-Applied Physics with IF=3.409, Materails Letters with IF=3.574, and so on.

"There isn't even a standard AM (Top Journal of Materials Science) ."

To sum up, some people directly commented on her scientific research level:

Not enough to graduate in a slightly better research group;
Master's degree is not good;
Undergraduate postgraduate studies should be sufficient, but not top-notch.

In addition, more than one person pointed out that this is a classic case of "inbreeding" recruitment.

They discovered this through the co-authors of the paper, saying that this phenomenon is quite common, that is, the doctoral students of the big brothers are directly employed in scientific research positions after graduation.

(ps. The answerer especially emphasized that this move is not to discredit NTU, but to state this fact, hoping to attract attention.)

So, is Li Yuewen really "unworthy" of this position as netizens say?

According to the NTU Talent Recruitment Network, special associate research fellows belong to the special recruitment in the research series of NTU, and belong to the same category as postdoctoral fellows.

As some expert netizens said, Li Yuewen's position is actually a "big postdoc" .

The information shows that the posts of the special appointment series are mainly scientific research, independent of the teaching and scientific research series and the teaching series, and are managed by the employment system. Generally, a three-year employment period is a non-vocational establishment position .

That is to say, as the netizens said above, it is not possible to become an associate professor by hiring a researcher first, and it still requires ability.

Then let's take a look at the post requirements of the special associate researcher:

Obviously, Li Yuewen satisfies the third condition.

In general, the application conditions do not strictly stipulate what level the scientific research level should reach.

How do you feel about this?

Reference link:

[1] https://s.weibo.com/weibo?q=%2300 Post-graduate girls plan to serve as special associate research fellows at NTU%23

[2] https://www.zhihu.com/question/542964114#showWechatShareTip

[3] https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/kO7BDwWlCMOuCn1SwaFcAA

[4] https://rczp.nju.edu.cn/yjxlhbsh/zzkyjj/index.html


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