accept your imperfection

accept your imperfection

Ever since I became conscious, I have felt that I am very right, that I am extraordinary, and that the future will definitely be the best in the world.

To be honest, this kind of thought has gradually faded from my heart until these two years.

I began to realize that I was not so perfect, that I was just an ordinary person. I tried my best, and I would not reach the point of being a dragon and a phoenix.

At most, make the rest of your life better.

In the past two years, I have become more and more accepting of my vulgar self, because if I want to survive, I need money; my parents are getting older, and I need money for retirement; I want to live a better life and need money.

accept your imperfection

I used to always imagine that although I have no money in front of me, I will save money in the future, and I will be very rich, but I have never thought about when to act.

When I really realized this, I realized that I became a very wealthy person, and becoming a dragon and phoenix was just a distant dream.

Many people say that the class is solidified, and it is difficult for ordinary people to counterattack.

Regarding this sentence, I neither admit nor admit it, because most people make excuses for their own lack of effort.

Of course, there will be some unlucky people who work hard, but fate is so unfair to them.

Many people will say at this time, you see who is who, so hard, it is nothing more than that.

In fact, I just want to say that you are not as good as him, at least they have worked hard. "Those who do their best but can't get there can have no regrets."

The ancients never lied to me!

In the future, I feel that I will not only accept my imperfections, but also work hard to overcome my weaknesses and try to become a better version of myself.

Someone asked me, is it not tiring to always strive for progress like this?

I'm actually very tired, but I can't do it without thinking about these things.

The last sentence of today's article is written as "let go of yourself", happiness is the most important thing, and everything is moderate.


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芷汐你好芷汐是一個創作者,醫生,學生。 歡迎來到芷汐的小空間。
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