another epidemic

How good would it be if we could get rid of the troubles of masks as soon as possible? (Maybe it is also one of the biggest expectations of everyone~)

There are a lot of things at hand, and every day I have time to rush to see what else has been left behind in this world, and to know the current situation of friends from all over the world, but I don’t have the energy to say a few words.

Relatives and friends far away in Chengdu, these days are also rapidly facing changes. The sudden increase in the number of cases caused the relevant units to quickly initiate a soft city closure. Each household basically needs to have a negative test certificate within 24 hours before sending a person to go out to buy daily necessities, and the rest basically The most important thing is to stay at home and not go out. We must greatly reduce the movement and contact of people in the whole society, and reduce the way and possibility of virus transmission.

The estimated time of the announcement is three days, but after the events in Shanghai, relatives and friends basically felt that the three days were just a "reference", so there was still no shortage of snap-ups. Many people have stocked up at home, and many supermarkets have been directly emptied by the rapid influx of large order demands. The remaining small amount of food and daily necessities may be rare types, but instead become the source of material for jokers. For example, king crabs in fresh supermarkets are left alone on the shelves after all the seafood around them have been swept away. People stand back.

Many friends in the communication software group may have started various interesting chats because they have more time at home, such as preparing for the video wine party. After all, they don’t know what to do when they are locked at home. After a while, another three-day new deadline was released, and most people cooperated with it. After all, people have lost their temper after being tortured by the epidemic in recent years. If you are angry, you don’t know who you are.

Thinking that I was discussing with my classmates a while ago about the design masks for a new event, the last event gave you some designed masks, especially everyone's children loved it. But this time, in addition to sending the new design drawings to everyone for reference, I also added a sentence that I hope everyone will not use it. It would be great if we could get rid of the troubles of masks as soon as possible? (Maybe it is also one of the biggest expectations of everyone~)


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Jerome連續兩年寫作不間斷,可以稍微自稱是個「文字堆砌人」。曾於多領域任職與創業,帶隊完成金氏世界紀錄項目挑戰。現音樂產業 x 文化活動產業與夢想家共同追逐獨角獸中。
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2022 馬特市年度問卷 | 中斷了日更的一年,波動起伏的一年

