【Matters Hot Discussion】My Questions

A good positive cycle and good influence are how you interact with your readers and how you train others to read your own articles. In this age of impatient reading, it is against reality to expect that most people will be able to read long texts spontaneously. Every way of writing has its own value. You must ask yourself, who do you want to reach out to? The purpose of your article is to hope to affect who and what? Did you achieve your goal before you gave up?
Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

 This article will lead the war and consider your own glass heart.

Question 1: Is there class in writing?

Many authors I once admired and loved satirized the phenomenon of the platform one by one. At first, I felt that everyone was deeply in love. Later, when a lot of people quit to promote their own ideas and concepts, I couldn't understand, what exactly do these people want? Are you trying to resonate? Want to change society? Or do you think only talented people can get LIKECOIN? What should your readers look like? I really...see blurry. Don't get me wrong, I still admire the writing of these people. But as a member of the platform, there is only one feeling. It turns out that writing is also divided into classes! Not exciting enough, unattractive , and not cut into the ranks. Is this kind of creation too stressful? I was expecting hens to bring chicks and learn from each other, but I thought too much.

After reading a lot of articles on matters, I learned a little about the history of matters; I also watched old people punch cards, and I began to understand why some people were disappointed. After all, the characteristics that attracted me at the beginning are no longer dazzling. It feels like when I first interacted with this person, I felt that I was a treasure. After a long time, I began to feel that the advantages are not there, and they are lacking. But it seems to me that the characteristics you propose, Matt City still has.

Question 2: Are you writing for yourself? Or to a specific object? What kind of readers do you expect?

Do you want to ask yourself first, who do you want to reach out to? What is the purpose of your writing? Did you achieve your goal before you gave up?

If you have ideals and want to change something, have you met people who are different from you? Do you know what they care about? Do you know what kind of life style created their current cognition? Have you encouraged those who are self-doubting? Would you like to look at the sloppy sentences of new writers and still give them a clapping? There are also people who don't know the articles (what to say) in Gongsan Primary School when sorting out their thoughts. Do you dare to continue to encourage them to sort themselves out? So what about shooting everyone? Isn't it all personal choice ? I said I took it, and it was full. I would also say come on.

It is said that writing starts with recording oneself, so what about life writers? Do people have to talk about politics and ideas before they can leave words? Who has no ideals in mind? Some people are just reluctant to speak up but willing to support those who dare. You said that you just want to see that the layout is more meaningful than life trivia, so do you have any good suggestions to improve the platform's visuals?

Do you think chicken soup articles, positive articles are very false, then if you spread negativity and criticism, you will help the world? You say you can write what you want to write, and it's none of your business that others write what you want to write?

You expect readers to see your talent, but you are too lazy to interact with people, isn't it even more contradictory? A person who wants to fall in love, but he is unwilling to express his kindness towards others, even a thank you, and then complains to himself that no one cares about you. What's more, they also blame other people who are willing to interact with their lack of talent, so how can they be loved by others ? What is this mentality? A If you think it's just fun to write and don't have time to interact, then you won't write so many articles that satirize other people who are willing to interact. Because you don't have time to pay attention to other people, do you?

Question 3: Have you trained your readers to read your own articles?

It is very realistic that people only focus on what affects themselves. Think carefully about how to influence others, make them feel , and slowly move closer to your own ideals , talking one by one, slowly speaking and repeating one by one. If you have beliefs, then you should spread your beliefs farther and farther. rather than locked in your stratosphere.

A good positive cycle, a good influence, is how you interact with your readers. In this age of impatient reading, it is against reality to expect that most people will be able to read long texts spontaneously . Every way of writing has its own value. There will be demand first when there is a customer base. What kind of good things do you give people want to have? Is your influence really conveyed to the right people to trigger a good effect?

If you think good writing shouldn't be trampled on like this, have you trained your audience to read it? From the start of the layout, think about how to organize the key points so that others can quickly absorb them. It's stinky and long, and you know you'll get tired of reading? In particular, the more powerful authors are all texts that start at 3,000 words. It is very tiring to read them one by one, you know? Based on pure support , so I shoot or save it first and then watch it later if I'm interested, so those who haven't seen it will have any opinions? ! Support is support, and I also need to see if the symbol conforms to the values of support in some people's hearts. I really find it difficult to serve.

I have always felt that the account belongs to someone else, and how to write and how to clap is personal freedom. If it is abused, what kind of mechanism should be discussed to reduce it? When you are not satisfied, what specific solutions have you come up with?

My encounter with matter and platform perception

The first time I came into contact with Matters, I learned about this platform only after I saw an article on Google search keywords. I regard it as the Chinese version of the medium. In the first few days of business, I read the influential, loud and powerful articles on the platform very seriously, and slowly figured out and learned to understand why others are popular?! Talented me If there is no fire, socializing is what I can do, it is as simple as that. Because I have a desire to be seen, I act.

I rarely put forward the perception that it will lead to war, because I am very grateful for a platform that has done a good job in SEO, a clean and Chinese-friendly place, and can experience the virtual currency market at the least cost. Besides, as long as you are serious about your business , you will definitely have the opportunity to be seen. This is not available on other platforms. If you want to gain audiences on other platforms, either you are a KOL, or you have to go to other platforms. Promote yourself on social platforms.

In addition, it's amazing that clapping is really only done by people in Matt City, and people who come in from outside can't do it, so clapping can't be used as proof that there are no readers . Who you have influenced today and who has given you back is the most important thing. You just need to pay attention to who is responding to you, that is your customer base.

As for the chaos caused by virtual currency, there are troubles where some people have money. Don't think that money is dirty, and sigh that there is no money. You don't care about money, money doesn't care about you. What's more, it's just a value exchange thing in itself. If you want to get it today, don’t you have to exchange anything for value? Whether it’s by talent, or participating in activities or socializing, the way is there, and it’s obvious that you choose to disdain it, so why criticize other people’s choices? !

I know that there are not many platform managers, and I hope I can understand a little more technical things to give practical help. Unfortunately I don't understand. Waiting slowly, giving ideas at the right time, and staying social is to keep people. Otherwise, how to compare with more mature square or medium? I myself define human touch as a way to retain people and maintain the characteristics of the platform.

Of course, I also want to know what the official positioning of the platform is now?

Finally, really last

Leaving is very simple, I wish those people to find a more suitable world. I still want to ask if there is a way for all kinds of writers to write with peace of mind? Whether it is waste articles, life or high-quality articles, can you give rational advice? Instead of boycotting, leave in anger.

I personally hope that the platform has a clear entry for article classification , and popular can add personal filters . After all, everyone wants to see different categories of popular articles. Some people want to know which articles are most talked about, which articles are sponsored by many people, and which articles can be read . Filter it out and don’t read it (including the daily life account and food discussed by everyone, after all, if you don’t like it, you don’t like it, and you must respect it). Let people enter the picture belongs to what they want to see (of course, there is the possibility of big data feeding) or let the picture appear as an article category block, each of which can explore in their favorite projects.

Thank you for your efforts, Matt City has always been a unique place in my heart, and it was also the first place where I started writing.

Finally, I want to promote the three positive circulation modes of communication:

1. I understand, I support → hug

2. I don't understand, I support → hug

3. I don't understand, I don't support, but I don't interfere. → can still hug

 Strong words today. Thanks for seeing this. I am Xinxin, and I hope to continue to see everyone working hard to express their thoughts, and I will do my best to support them.


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