Unleash the infinite "imagination" of human beings! Listening to Robinson's TED talk to learn [English words]

Today we listen to a TED-Ed talk by Sir Ken Robinson, a British speaker, author and international consultant, who believes in the infinite power of human beings, our "imagination". We don't just live in the world, we use our creativity, art, science and technology to reshape our world. So, how do you want to reshape the world? What do we take for granted? What will you change? Remember, the only limit is your "imagination"...

Article source: Takeaway English official website


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The reason why man is superior to other earth creatures is that he has a rich and wonderful "imagination", not just living in the objective world. Many great inventions are contained in the endless imagination of human beings, from ancient carriages, papermaking, gunpowder, modern telephones, electric lights, airplanes, to modern blockchains, self-driving cars, artificial intelligence, etc. These scientific achievements The initial prototype often stems from a beautiful imagination. With the development of the times and the advancement of science and technology, human "imagination" has become more and more abundant. No matter how advanced technology is, it is the rich "imagination" of human beings that has created a colorful world.

Today we listen to a TED-Ed talk by Sir Ken Robinson, a British speaker, author and international consultant, who believes in the infinite power of human beings, our "imagination". We don't just live in the world, we use our creativity, art, science and technology to reshape our world. So, how do you want to reshape the world? What do we take for granted? What will you change? Remember, the only limit is your "imagination"...

Robinson's TED speech, creating a legend of "imagination"

1. You know, there are very few things that set us apart from the rest of life on Earth.
You know, there are very few things that differentiate us from other life on Earth.
  • set sb/sth apart from the phrase ph. to make someone/something different Cambridge dictionary explanation: If a quality or characteristic sets someone or something apart, it shows him, her, or it to be different from, and usually better than, others of the same type.
    Example: What set her apart from the other candidates for the job was that she had a lot of original ideas. What set her apart from the other candidates for the job was that she had a lot of original ideas.
2. At the heart of them, I believe, is our inexhaustible power of imagination .
At the heart of what distinguishes humans from living things, I believe, is our inexhaustible imagination.
  • inexhaustible adj. inexhaustible, inexhaustible, inexhaustible; exhaustible adj.
  • imagination nounn . imagination, creativity
    soaring imagination
    vivid imagination
    unlock the imagination
    defy imagination
    draw on imagination
    fire the imagination of fire the imagination of
    capture the imagination of
    not by any stretch of the imagination
3. Imagination is the ability to bring into mind, things that aren't present .
Imagination is the ability to bring things to mind that don't exist.
  • ability noun n. ability, ability
    mental abilities intelligence
    ability level
    ability range
    from sheer ability is completely based on ability
    have ability for
    beyond sb's ability
    to the best of one's ability
  • present adj. [ˋprɛznt] present, present; noun n. present, present; verb v. [prɪˋzɛnt] present, present, present
4. With imagination, we can anticipate the future. We can revisit the past.
With imagination, we can foresee the future, we can look back on the past.
  • anticipate verb v. anticipate, anticipate
    as anticipated
    much anticipated
  • revisit verb v. revisit, revisit, reconsider (intention to change or improve)
    Cambridge Dictionary definition: to talk or think about something again, with the intention of improving it or changing it
    Example: Gun laws need to be revisited.
Image by Leandro De Carvalho from Pixabay
5. You can step outside the present moment and try and see things as other people see them.
You can step out of the present moment and try to see things through the eyes of others.
  • moment nounn . moment, moment
    man of the moment key person, popular fried chicken
    have one's moment
    spur-of-the-moment Temporary, unprepared
    defining/supreme moment
6. It's through creativity that we develop our architecture , our scientific proofs , and our works of art .
Through creativity, we can develop architecture, science and art.
  • creativitynounn . creativity
  • architecture nounn . architecture, architecture
  • scientific adj. scientific; science noun n. science; scientist noun n. scientist
7. We don't just live in the world as we find it, we create civilizations , theories , technologies, and we r each beyond the planet.
We don't just live in the world, we create civilizations, theories, technologies, and explore beyond Earth.
  • civilization noun n. civilization; antonym barbarism noun n. uncivilized state, savage backwardness; barbarian noun n. barbarian, adj. savage
    the torch of civilization
  • theory nounn. doctrine, theory
    in theory
    big bang theory
  • reach verb v. reach out, reach
    within reach
    beyond/out of one's reach
    reach back
    reach an agreement
    reach an accommodation
    reach the finals
    reach for the stars
    reach a goal
    reach a solution
    reach an impasse/deadlock
    reach the end of one's rope/tether
    reach the end of the line
Image by currens from Pixabay

The human mind can be roughly divided into four functions: "observation, memory, understanding, and imagination". Among them, "imagination" is the most important. Imagination is the source of all creativity and invention. Einstein once said: "Imagination is more important than knowledge. Because knowledge is limited, and imagination is infinite, it contains everything, promotes progress, and is the source of human evolution." Human imagination can be extended infinitely, if Humans lack the magical imagination, and human civilization will stagnate and may be destroyed over time.

The paradox is that humans rely on their imagination to create a "robot" that is a substitute for human beings. AI artificial intelligence processes a large amount of data and logical computing capabilities, and will soon know itself better than humans. In fact, AI has been flooded in our daily life, such as artificial intelligence AlphaGo defeating the chess king, restaurants introducing robots to serve passengers, and the birth of AI virtual singers, etc. , it is more likely to gradually replace humans in all walks of life in the future. With the gradual strengthening of artificial intelligence, people are worried about the threat of resistance after robots begin to have "self-consciousness". The female robot Ava in the movie "Artificial Consciousness EX MACHINA" seems to have "self-consciousness", using female characteristics to do whatever it takes to escape the house. , and even killed its creator, although it may be due to human negligence, setting the wrong goal for the robot, allowing the robot to inadvertently eliminate us, as for how humans take back control is another issue.

Maybe we can try to understand the nature of AI, reduce the fear of its ignorance, and build a society that coexists and thrives with superintelligence. The time that AI helps humans save can allow people to focus more on developing a key ability - "imagination". People should grasp their innate talent, that is, emotional intelligence (feeling intelligence), rather than stay at the level of mechanical intelligence (mechanical intelligence) and thinking intelligence (thinking intelligence).

Imagine if... imagine.... nothing can limit us except our own ignorance
Imagine if...Imagine....you are a child from the stars, a genius born with a mission
Imagine if...Imagine.... Musk's plan to immigrate to Mars is no longer a distant dream

Try to emancipate your own mind without limit, and even go against the "imagination" of existing theories, and then through the practice of "creativity", let life exude infinite charm, and make human civilization better and more colorful!

Image by Patricio González from Pixabay

Robinson passed away from cancer last year. In memory of Robinson, I invite you to complete the sentence "imagine if...Imagine...". Please share your sentence in the comments, and let's re-imagine and examine the way we take for granted.

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