[Dream Record]

"Writing can't be stopped, you have to keep practicing, and don't always think: This is fine, but try to break through yourself."

The students' beloved teacher returns as a ghost, but the teacher doesn't know he's dead.

The students endured the pain and wanted to cry to interact with the teacher, and missed the teacher's words and teachings to them.

"Writing can't be stopped, you have to keep practicing, and don't always think: This is fine, but try to break through yourself."

The students accompany and interact with the teacher's teaching until the teacher realizes that they are dead.

Then there are three teachers, one of them talking to the other two teachers before going to fight Voldemort. (This part is not very coherent)

There is an article I wrote on the Internet, about my past experience, it was commented by this teacher, and the layout was not well arranged. And he felt that I could write more, probably because I hid some of my emotions and feelings.

There are memories of beaches and oceans in my article. There is also a small section about the little toys in the cold festival, which can be separated or grouped together. (It feels like a story dice at Christmas)

I feel like I should add an extra exercise to my story dice, that is, I dice the story dice every day to write a short story (yesterday, in order to see if there is a custom function, I made a witch rune, so I loaded a bunch of story dice and custom dice)

By the way, there are quite a lot of Christmas story dice, most of which can be printed and made by hand, or the corresponding tables of dice used to write stories.


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心事欲言卡 開箱紀錄 2022.03.09

