The impact of the epidemic on various industries and the future development trend of AI

In the AI era, are you in a workplace danger zone? Is AI Endangering Your Profession?
Welcome to Facebook: Work Your Wealth Asia Passive Income Master

The sudden epidemic has stimulated the digital transformation of individuals and enterprises. Combined with the high speed, low latency, and multi-connection characteristics of 5G, as well as the increasingly mature technology application, the role of "AI" in the future is bound to jump from a strategic assistant to a battlefield leader .

The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly had a profound impact on the current economy. From the sharp decline in revenue in industries such as retail and catering, accommodation and tourism, transportation, culture and entertainment, to the slow resumption of work and production in manufacturing, real estate, and construction due to the limited flow of people and logistics, to remote office, online education, and online medical care The sudden emergence of technology companies such as , fresh food logistics, and the epidemic has brought different challenges and opportunities to various industries, and these changes may profoundly affect the future development trends and competition patterns of the industry.

Taiwan's digital transformation is bullish

Dr. Kai-Fu Lee, an artificial intelligence expert, also mentioned that although the epidemic has had a catastrophic impact on the world, it has promoted the development of data, IT and AI . In the era of zero-contact with the continuous increase of enterprise operating costs, how AI combines different industrial business models, improves market application efficiency, reduces enterprise operating costs, and solves urgent problems is the true demonstration of the value of AI technology.

Welcome to Facebook: Work Your Wealth Asia Passive Income Master
Welcome to Facebook: Work Your Wealth Asia Passive Income Master
Welcome to Facebook: Work Your Wealth Asia Passive Income Master

In the AI era, are you in a workplace danger zone? Is AI Endangering Your Profession?

In 20th century automation, robots replaced human labor in factories. In the 21st century, AI, in the office, coexists with people.

Physical robots, or invisible algorithms, have appeared in every field of work. Is AI a helper in dividing work, or a murderer in taking jobs?

The World Economic Forum predicts that AI will eliminate nearly 75 million jobs, but it will also create 133 million new jobs. How to seize opportunities at risk? What challenges will workers of different ages face?

The big wave of smart technology is coming, and everyone from grassroots employees to middle and high-level executives may capsize. The four major occupational limits will analyze the future for you and find a solution to help yourself in digital transformation.

Welcome to Facebook: Work Your Wealth Asia Passive Income Master

Takahashi Toru, a professor at the Department of Cultural Conception at Waseda University in Japan, said in "Great Thinking on the Philosophy of Survival in the AI Generation" that in the past, machines were tools of human beings, and then gradually upgraded to a peer-to-peer relationship; now, machines have become the learning objects of human beings. Humans must catch up with AI in order to have an equal status with AI.

Welcome to Facebook: Work Your Wealth Asia Passive Income Master

Learning financial intelligence and having different passive income channels will let you break through the siege and no longer worry about these problems

Question 1: The problem of rising prices and depreciation of money, the speed of making money cannot keep up with the speed of inflation, and the income is not much after daily expenses.

Issue 2: Worry about jobs being replaced by AI

Question 3: The epidemic situation, employees are worried about losing their jobs, and the boss is worried about how to maintain the company's income and capital flow

For more details, ask Peter Wang:

For more details, ask Peter Wang:

Learning is an investment that never depreciates
Follow a reliable investment education system, learn financial knowledge, diversify risks, increase asset income, and be a rational investor, not a speculative retail investor.
For more details, ask Peter Wang:

Find out the pulse of this ever-changing era, make the right choice at the critical moment, and don't let yourself go from poor to old!

For more details, ask Peter Wang:

[Learn] to [win], the phone screen is turned upside down, and Chinese characters have long been stated that only through learning can you win.

Reference source

Will your job still be there in the next 3 years? Colleagues who are not afraid of being tired and do not need a salary are about to replace you

Predict the new look of the world in 2030 Predict the new look of the world in 2030

Opportunities for Industrial Innovation under the Wave of Artificial Intelligence — Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Republic of China

Is AI Endangering Your Profession? Teaching war for 30, 40, and 50 year olds in the workplace

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