Apple has become a fruit


I wrote this metaphor many years ago, and it seems to be still applicable today: China is like a high-speed train, running forward at high speed and with great vigor. Due to historical and geographical reasons, the last carriage we boarded was Hong Kong in 1997. But unlike the previous carriages, this carriage in Hong Kong has been baptized by civilization. Etiquette and rules are respected in the carriage. Sitting there are a group of people who protect the ancestral culture and have the values ​​of the 21st century. But luck and misfortune depend on each other. This carriage cannot be decoupled from the carriage in front of it, and of course it cannot influence the direction of this high-speed train. The problem is that the people driving this high-speed train are not skilled drivers. In the past, a black cat or a white cat was considered a good cat if it caught mice. But now, in the last thirty years, the ideology of the first thirty years cannot be denied. Is there a cliff ahead? Are there flowers and honey on the road ahead? Without a crystal ball, it is of course difficult to say accurately, but it is almost certain that the road ahead will be bumpy and full of undercurrents. When we started reform and opening up, we were trying to cross the river by feeling for the stones. Now when we reach the deep water area, we still seem to be crossing the river by feeling the stones. However, the stones in the deep water area are getting harder and harder to touch. We have witnessed the "point" where history started from that time, but we are very uncertain about the "side" of how history will end in the future. But the carriage in Hong Kong has been connected to the carriage in front of it, and the rules of etiquette and the values ​​of the advanced world no longer exist. The situation of speculation has been completed, and Hong Kong is almost overturned. After absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon, after 26 years of practice, Mr. Jimmy Lai's apple has become a real fruit. This is just like Lin Xi's lyrics in Leslie Cheung's song "Left and Right Hands": You left, but you were scattered around. Bless Hong Kong and these people who protect Hong Kong’s values.


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