All problems are capitalism, conflicts between the police and people in the United States, France, and Hong Kong, conflicts between the two parties in Hong Kong and Taiwan, corruption, nationalism, anti-China internationalism, the epidemic...


Capitalism came to the world with blood and filth dripping from every pore from head to toe.

The capital relation presupposes the separation between the ownership of laborers and labor conditions, that is, the minority owns a large amount of monetary wealth and means of production, and the majority becomes free laborers with nothing. The emergence of these two conditions is the result of the primitive accumulation of capitalism, and the process of primitive accumulation of capitalism is the process of conquest, enslavement, plunder, and slaughter.

The history of the development of capitalism is the history of capital exploitation of labor and the plundering of weak countries by the great powers. With the infinite expansion of capitalism, resource and environmental problems are becoming more and more serious, threatening the sustainable existence and development of human beings.

Contradictions between the police and the people in the United States, France, and Hong Kong: what the police defend is the capitalist government, and what the protesters fight for is also the interests of the capitalists. The core political task of the police and powerful institutions such as courts, prisons, and the army is to defend the property of the bourgeoisie and to suppress any actions that are deemed to violate private property and shake state power. The demonstrators, the executors of the bourgeois revolution, must suppress the masses, protect the capitalist road, protect the old things of the exploiting classes, and preserve the old capitalist order. This is the essence of the bourgeois revolution.

Contradictions between the two parties in Hong Kong and Taiwan: In Hong Kong, the biggest difference between the pro-establishment faction and the non-establishment faction is that one scolds the CCP, the other does not, and both are useless. In Taiwan, the biggest difference between the Kuomintang and the Democratic Progressive Party is that one wants independence and the other wants the Republic of China, and both are useless. The so-called democracy does not help the people at all because it is determined by the democratic system.

Democracy is a scam. Democracy has always been the democracy of a certain class, and there is no abstract, super-class so-called "general democracy". On the surface, bourgeois democracy appears in the form of universal democracy, advocating that everyone enjoys freedom and equality, and even legally recognizes certain democratic rights of citizens. Especially after the Second World War, the struggle for democratic rights of the working people in the capitalist countries was widely carried out, forcing the bourgeois countries to take some reformist measures, so that the democratic system of the capitalist countries was developed to a certain extent. Acquired democratic rights have increased. However, the working people actually only enjoy certain limited rights within the scope of the rule of the bourgeoisie, on the premise of not endangering the capitalist private ownership and employment exploitation system, and not affecting the interests and political power of the bourgeoisie, and it is impossible to change their rule. status. Bourgeois democracy has never and will not fundamentally guarantee the fundamental rights and freedoms of the working people. Due to the constraints of material conditions and bourgeois legal conditions, the working people cannot actually enjoy their due democratic rights. Bourgeois democracy is essentially a method and means of ruling the bourgeois state, and its essence is to safeguard the class interests of the bourgeoisie and serve the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie over the proletariat and the working people.

Corruption, nationalism, anti-China internationalism, epidemic: the history of the People's Republic of China after the founding of the People's Republic of China tells people that people are still not free from the influence of the feudal ideology of the backward bourgeois regime during the Republic of China. In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of my country, our country carried out a violent socialist revolution. On the surface, the ideological quality of the people has improved a lot. Sexual change is only a superficial phenomenon. Comrade Mao Zedong tried to carry out a proletarian transformation of the Chinese people. Unfortunately, due to the destruction of various forces and interference of various factors, this transformation ended in failure. In that era, advanced model figures of the proletariat represented by Lei Feng, Wang Tieren, Jiao Yulu, etc. were established, and a group of "two bombs and one star" meritorious figures and countless heroes of socialist construction were created, which influenced many Chinese people. However, their influence did not stand up to the passage of time.

The weakness of corruption in human nature does not disappear in many who hold power. Although they have received higher education, although they have studied Marxism and Mao Zedong Thought, and although they have been tested and cultivated by the Party, their human weakness has not disappeared from them. Once they loose control over their own weaknesses, the society relaxes supervision over their weaknesses, and the state and society have insufficient restraint on power, their exploited and possessed human weaknesses will show up, and gradually become deeply trapped in them, and they will become unable to get rid of them. the ghost.

Bourgeois nationalism is the standard "national supremacy" and "state supremacy", trying to cover up class contradictions in the name of "national and national interests" after controlling state power, and using national resources as a means of external expansion. The national bourgeoisie, which relies on foreign capitalism for the development of its own economic strength, is also restrained by the export of commodities from the capitalist powers; the natural economy and rulers of the country are the internal factors that limit the growth of the national bourgeoisie. These conditions prevent the national bourgeoisie from having the same economic power as foreign capitalism, determine the duality of national capitalism, and exist from beginning to end. There are undoubtedly many problems and threats in China today. One of the biggest threats is the general trend of populism and nationalism converging. The problems of corruption and the polarization between the rich and the poor in China today have created a soil and climate conducive to the growth of populism. After years of tireless guidance and promotion, nationalism and ultra-nationalism have formed a very powerful force, sometimes even the official government is difficult to contend with and control. This is one of the reasons for the growing populism and nationalism in China. If populism, which rejects all elites, and nationalism, which rejects all foreign advanced ideology and culture, merge, the future direction of China is indeed worrying.

The "proletarian internationalism" of Marxism does not deny the existence of states and nations, or opposes national independence and national unity, but on the contrary, advocates that nations (especially large nations with profound historical foundations and vitality) gain an independent status and form an independent state. A unified country, sweeping away the situation of separatism. However, there are two types of internationalist anti-China elements in China. One is the comprador liberal anti-China elements, mainly comprador capitalists and comprador literati. Under the guise of internationalism, they are anti-China for their own economic interests or brainwashed by Western ideas. The other is fundamentalist internationalists. They try to distribute China's cake equally with less developed countries regardless of the Chinese people's efforts and costs. The essence is to use the blood and sweat of the Chinese nation to betray the country for glory.

China has been influenced by bureaucratic formalism and bourgeois feudal ideology during its response to the new crown pneumonia epidemic. Formalism is a manifestation of inaction, a stubborn ailment in the work of party members. Being poisoned by it will make the workers look like they have nothing to do, and finally become a show for dealing with errands. In the epidemic prevention and control work, this kind of abhorrent formalism hinders the work like a bone song. Some comrades have not identified the starting point and destination of their work. They mistakenly regard epidemic prevention and control as a project, forgetting the Communist Party The original mission of man. Some party members and leaders of individual units just sat at home every day listening to reports and summarizing data, but did not conduct in-depth investigations. The harm caused by this behavior is endless. At the same time, Western capitalist countries have become politically polarized due to party disputes, resulting in low decision-making efficiency and the loss of the best time for epidemic prevention and control. In the face of the menacing epidemic, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party in the United States also failed to join hands to fight the epidemic, but each had "ghost births". Western countries lack centralized leadership and unified command, the central government is evasive, and local governments are fighting each other. During the epidemic in Western countries, the mind was chaotic, the hearts were turbulent, the strikes of medical staff broke down, racial discrimination intensified, and the people fell into panic. Western countries have failed governance and social unrest. Many Americans looted shopping funds and even smashed stores to cause riots, especially violent incidents against Asians.


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