The Truth About Semiconductors | The Empire of Greed

A true story about a South Korean company, environmental pollution and employee disease was made into a documentary. Every scene in the documentary is shocking, and every word and sentence is unforgettable. It made me burst into tears.. ....

In my spare time, I like to watch movies, but sometimes I watch some realistic documentaries. In recent years, I have watched a lot of themes, all of which are related to the environment, public health, and diseases, which involve social issues such as human rights and justice. I remember it for more than a year. I saw this film at an environmental documentary festival. At that time, I felt that this documentary was very shocking, and I also felt very heartbroken. For a long time, there has not been a film that made me cry. It's hard to describe the feeling in a few words. Post a movie afterthought article on Facebook.

Have you ever tried to work in a completely sealed environment?

Have you ever tried to work in a sealed overalls that only exposed your eyes?

Have you ever tried daily long-term exposure to various chemicals such as lead and sulfuric acid?

Have you ever thought about how the electronic liquid crystal products we use every day are actually manufactured?

How badly will it affect our bodies and the environment? ?

The majority of workers in semiconductor factories are female, and most of them are young people. They work in a sealed factory every day, wearing airtight work clothes and working in shifts. Fixed workflow positions, such as the repeated process every day - washing wafers, are exposed to at least 500 kinds of chemicals in the factory; and their average meal time is generally only 40 minutes, so they can only be fully charged. Eating beside the workbench with chemical smell, even after returning to the dormitory to take a shower, the nasty chemical smell will remain on the body...

In the diary of one of the young women laborers it says:

"I once tried to bear it, but had no choice but to hide and eat in the bathroom... Mom! I'm in pain, I really can't take it anymore, I don't want to go to work anymore, I really want to go home!"

This kind of very desperate voice has suffered from physical pain and mental and psychological torture. I don't know how you will feel!

This group of young people, each of whom has worked for an average of four to six years, has been diagnosed with fatal diseases such as leukemia and brain cancer, and some even have to speak word by word slowly. It can be seen that it is not like a normal person. Even standing normally, he cannot control and stabilize his body balance, and there is a danger of falling anytime, anywhere, let alone walking normally! Some of them will be in wheelchairs later! At the same time, there are many women's physiological problems, menstrual disorders, miscarriage and so on.

Looking at it, I just had wet eyes and tears in my eyes, but when I saw this sentence,

Suddenly I couldn't hold it anymore... I was so sad that I burst into tears. . .

After graduating from high school, the average salary is 700,000 won per month, but mine is 1 million won. I once thought that life was full of hope.

Han Hye-kyung, who suffered from brain cancer after working for six years, let out a roar.

"I thought Samsung was the best company to join, but what did you do to me?"

But who would have thought that just taking a job, in exchange for a life, I always know how to respect the teacher and the Tao, but your behavior is really not worth it.

The enterprise group has been refusing to admit mistakes and take responsibility for the occupational disaster that has been fighting for more than ten years. Although an apology and compensation have been made a year ago, as an enterprise, it must have the courage to undertake and improve. Justice, exploitation of women, oppression of the rights and interests of young employees, damage to health and life, due to long-term exposure to toxic chemicals at work, suffering from a variety of fatal diseases, causing at least 118 deaths, 320 people are sick, and their next generation is unknown. congenital defects of...

We don't know how much impact those chemicals, waste from the production process, sewage, and waste gas have on the entire environment. Through the air, water sources, etc., environmental hormones destroy the ecosystem and food chain, although they have no direct impact. , and there is no scientific research and data to show it, but there must be indirect effects and risks to human life. It is necessary to know that the fundamentals of human beings are air, water and food.

2019.11.10 Posted on Personal Facebook

2021.3.23 Re-revised and published in Matters

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