The 42nd issue of commissioned data report - rare opportunity, good time to commission

Recently, the price of LikeCoin has increased quite a bit. In addition, the commission rate has rebounded and the commission ratio is not high. The commission return is very good. You can study it.

This issue is the 42nd issue of the commissioned data report. The data is taken from the evening of 30/10/2021 and compared with the data of the previous Saturday night of 23/10/2021. The data interval is a regular 7 days. There are three motions in the voting period in this issue. Among them, the 19th and 20th motions mentioned in the previous report will end for voting tomorrow. As of the time of writing this report, the nineteenth proposal has had 70 votes, with 68% of the votes cast, and all votes in favor; the twentieth proposal has 75 votes, and 70% of the votes have been cast. , of which 75.76% of the votes were in favor, 24.24% were abstentions, and there were a small number (less than 0.0004%) of strong disapproval votes. If there is no accident, both proposals can be passed. The twenty-first proposal put forward this week is about allocating LikeCoin equivalent to $250,000 from the ecological pool into the LIKE/ATOM liquidity pool on the Emeris market to provide liquidity for LikeCoin. This is another newly listed decentralized exchange from LikeCoin after Osmosis. The passing of the motion will greatly benefit the liquidity, popularity and recognition of LikeCoin, so Lao Mao also voted in favor. As of the time of writing this report, 72 votes have been cast for the twenty-first proposal, with 57% of the votes cast, 99.99% in favor and 0.01% against. The voting period will be on November 3rd. Finish.

Let's take a look at the wide range of numbers:

 Number of wallets delegated: 1872 (new high)
Number of newly added/exited delegate wallets: 84 / 28
Total Likecoin delegated: 554 million Validators in service: 50
Number of new join/exit validators: 2 / 2
Total number of orders: 4170 (new high)
Entrusted rate: 7.14%
Entrustment ratio: 52.12%

The number of entrusted wallets and entrusted transactions in this issue continued to rise, and both reached new highs for eight consecutive weeks, indicating that new Likers continue to join us, which is comforting. During the same period, the total number of entrustments fell by more than 16 million, and the decline narrowed. The entrustment ratio dropped slightly by 1.62% to 52.14%, and the entrusted interest rate also rebounded to 7.14%. Lao Mao guessed that some of this week's decline was caused by the mobilization of the ecological pool, and some of it was due to liquidity mining or realization. There are still 50 validators, and 2 validators have changed positions under the same total number.

Recently, the price of LikeCoin has increased quite a bit. In addition, the commission rate has rebounded and the commission ratio is not high. The commission return is very good. You can study it.

Let's take a look at some mean and median data:

 The average number of Likecoins per order: 133,000 The average number of orders per wallet is: 296,000 The median number of Likecoins per order: 300 (new low)
Median single wallet delegation: 870 (new low)
Average delegation amount of validators: 11.08 million (new low)
Average number of delegations of validators: 83

Due to the decrease in the total number of orders in this issue, the number of wallets and the number of orders have increased, and the average order value has naturally decreased. The median numbers for this issue all fell and hit new lows. The median single order fell to 300, and the median single wallet order fell 64 to 870. The average number of validator delegations also fell by 330,000 to a new low of 11.08 million, while the average number of validator delegations rose slightly to 83.

Here are some more interesting numbers:

 The highest number of Likecoins in a single order: 50 million The highest number of orders in a single wallet: 79.99 million The highest number of orders in a single wallet: 29
The maximum number of orders for one bet: 50,000,000

The interesting numbers in this issue have not changed, they are still like standing water, but the validator scatter diagram has changed slightly. The report is complete!


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