obedience and obedience


August 28, 2022

obedience and obedience

Pastor To Chongji

Bible Reading: Ruth 3:1-18

Selected Readings: Ruth 3:1-18

1 Ruth's mother-in-law Naomi said to her, "Daughter, shouldn't I find a home for you to make you happy? 2 You are always with Boaz's maid, and now Boaz is not Our relatives? Behold, he will winnow barley in the threshing floor tonight. 3 Bath and anoint you, put on your coat, and go down to the threshing floor, until the man has eaten and drank, and don't let him recognize you. 4 He lies down When you get down, see where he lies, and go in and expose his feet, and lie there, and he will tell you what to do." 5 Ruth said, "Whatever you have commanded me, I will Do it." 6 So Ruth went down to the threshing floor and did as her mother-in-law had told her.

7 When Boaz had finished eating and drinking, and was in a good mood, he went to lie down beside the heap of wheat. Ruth came quietly, exposed his feet, and lay there. 8 In the middle of the night, the man woke up, turned over, and behold, a woman was lying at his feet.

9 Then he said, "Who are you?" Ruth said, "I am your maid Ruth. Please cover your maid with the edge of your garment, for you are the closest relative who can redeem my inheritance." 10 Boaz said, "Daughter, may you be blessed by the LORD. Your later faithfulness was better than the first, because you did not follow young or rich, rich or poor. 11 Do not be afraid now, daughter, whatever you have I will do it for you, because the people of my city know that you are a virtuous woman. 12 Now, I am indeed a close relative who can redeem your inheritance, but there is one more dear than me. 13 You are here tonight Stay here. If he is willing to perform the duty of the closest relative for you in the morning, very good, let him! If he refuses, I swear by the eternal LORD, I will perform the duty of the closest relative for you. You just lie down until morning."

14 Ruth lay down at his feet until morning, and rose before men could recognize each other. Boaz said, "Let it not be known that a woman has come to the threshing floor." 15 Then he said to Ruth, "Bring the cloak you are wearing, and grasp it." She grasped the cloak, and Boaz measured it. After getting six dustpans of barley and helping Ruth carry it, he went into the city. "

16 Ruth went back to her mother-in-law, and her mother-in-law said, "Daughter, how is it?" Ruth told her mother-in-law everything the man had done to her, 17 and said, "The man gave me these six dustpans. barley, said to me, 'You must not go back to your mother-in-law empty-handed.'" 18 The mother-in-law said, "Wait, my daughter, and see how this will turn out, because the man will not give up if he does not do it today." "

Times Meditation:

Some readers of the book of Ruth will question whether Ruth and Boaz have crossed the line? In fact, this is unnecessary controversy, because it is inconsistent with the biblical description of the dispositions of Naomi, Luther, and Boaz, whose personalities and moral standards are all noble. Moreover, Boaz knew from this to the end that there was still a person who was qualified to marry Ruth and to pay the responsibility of the closest relatives. This was a responsibility to the family of Elimelech, so Boaz would not act rashly.

Answer the prayer:

Ruth's obedience to her mother-in-law and Boaz's obedience accomplished a wonderful thing. May the Lord's will be done on those who follow His will.


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FunnyseriousmanA funny and serious man. He likes reading and eating.
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