Chaos Daily Essay|Spark

HJ|Chaos to Cosmos
You never know when you'll get the spark, but by the time you come to your senses, you've already got it. By the time we get back to our senses, we've already fallen deeply in love with this person. Because of him, life can change from bleak to bright and full of lively vitality.

younger sister

Yesterday, I went out for a walk with a friend who was like my sister, accompanied him to Xinyi District, Taipei City, and listened to the songs played by street performers. Less than two hours before getting off work, I agreed to meet each other. After getting off work, walking on the bustling streets is really enjoyable, and I can get the happiness of life easily and freely .

Maybe the love song I heard was at work, or maybe the atmosphere when I came out with him was always too pleasant, making people relax to the point of forgetting all their troubles, and a feeling came to my heart in an instant: " Isn't this the life I yearn for ?" They didn't say that they would be free from work today, but they happened to have time for each other; they didn't say how to arrange the next step in life, just like the guest guests in each other's movies.

I turned my head to look at W beside me, and remembered the track of interaction with him in the past. For me, he is really more like my sister every day. I've never been able to open up any rationality at work, and I just want to hear him talk about interesting things he's encountered today in his therapist position.

Today's itinerary, we did not think that each other is the first to come to the opposite sex with such a Christmas atmosphere. The next second, W suddenly said to me, "It's because I don't have feelings for you, that's why I'm so relieved ." I immediately laughed, as if his thoughts were in sync with mine.


I smiled and asked him why he was so sure, and said to him, "Although I think so, but you are too direct, right ? I seem to be very unpopular in this way, and there is no way to say this kind of thing. Hahaha." I always get along with him like this, joking and laughing, maybe it's because we are always like this, so relaxed and comfortable that we are like family.

He said, "I don't know, but I also think you're right. This kind of thing is really hard to tell." I didn't reply to him right away, I thought about it before telling him, "I think liking someone is like The sparks in the movie "Soul Sharp Turn" are the same." "Hey, what do you mean?"

" You never know when you'll get a spark , but when you come back to your senses, you've already got it . By the time we get our senses back, we've already fallen deeply in love with this person. Because of him, life can go from bleak to Bright and full of life.”

When I finished saying this, I remembered a line from another movie that said, "The spark is never the end ." I suddenly realized how wonderful the faith conveyed in this film is that I can see everything that way.

The more we work hard to get what we want, the less we can get it. Only by turning our attention back to every moment and loving everything around you can we achieve our ideal life. This flash of inspiration sounds a bit whimsical, but in this era of value collapse, we no longer believe in true love, nor do we believe in eternity.

There is only this moment that I love, and I will never give in.

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HJ|Chaos to Cosmos我們不說再見,我們在路上見| 多感善愁、哲思玄想與永遠拒絕政治正確的小天地 Chaos意即混亂、混沌,Cosmos代表規律、秩序的宇宙 寫作,對我而言,便是從雜多當中找回理解與共感的可能
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