The story of the cat at home - the eldest cat, the king of slippers

I wonder if your pets are obsessed with strange things? Our cat's favorite is all kinds of plastic slippers!
About the eldest cat in the house - Mimi the Prince of Slippers

I wonder if your pets are obsessed with strange things? Our cat's favorite is all kinds of plastic slippers, but don't worry he doesn't have pica. Apart from fodder, jars and mashed meat, he had never eaten anything else. But he has a great desire to grab things, especially plastic padded things. A friend once gave me a branded cat scratching board (made of corrugated paper). He didn't catch it at all, but liked the jelly slippers we wore in the yard.

very chill cat

One afternoon, I saw him sleeping in the yard with his big head lying on a jelly drag, using his slippers as his pillow. After my parents saw it, they felt that this cat really knew how to enjoy it.

I don't think it's comfortable to lie down

Since that time, basically all the slippers in our house belong to him. Interesting thing, Mimi especially likes Dad's leather shoes. The family witnessed many times that Mimi shoved her head into her shoes. I have never been able to understand that the posture is both uncomfortable and smells of foot odor. Why is it so weird?

prince of slipper kingdom

Because it is the relationship between the stray cat and the semi-domestic cat, in fact, it is more or less fierce than the cat that usually lives at home. So no one dared to snatch shoes from him. It took a long time to persuade him before he would be willing to leave his shoes and go to sleep elsewhere. From now on, make him the prince of the slipper kingdom!

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