blood red secret


I watched the Korean drama "Move to Heaven │ I'm a Relic Organizer" a while ago,
A murder scene in an episode,
Reminds me of when I was working in Australia before,
He also went to clean up the murder scene.

It was a long time ago,
Not many people know,
Only a few acquaintances,
There are also some Australian working holidaymakers during the same period.
As for my family, I don't say a word,
Talking too much can make your family worried.

After all, my family was very opposed to me going to Australia for a working holiday.
I also secretly applied for a visa.
Bought a cheap one-way ticket.
To reassure parents,
I deliberately made up lies that I would go to my classmates,
to be able to run smoothly.

Although it is a lie,
But in fact, I really went to rent the room of my classmates,
Because my classmate just returned to Taiwan,
will return to Australia after a month.
The room is empty and empty,
So I'm going to fill that gap!

It's just that I'll stay for less than a month,
fly to another city,
I didn't meet my classmates at all.
Children, don't learn from me! what!

Accidentally thinking too much,
Back to the point,
I have always wanted to write down this experience of cleaning the murder scene,
just can't find the opportunity.
Perhaps it was because I had to recall what I saw at the time,
After writing a few words, there is no way to continue writing.

I actually thought about it,
I don't know that I'm too young,
Or because I have seen the murder scene with my own eyes,
I don't dare watch crime dramas at all,
I'm afraid of one accident,
It brought back memories of that time.

Although so many years have passed,
those pictures in memory,
still scary,
So I choose to continue to seal this memory.

Until I watched the Korean drama "I'm a Relic Organizer",
The murder scene in the play,
How is it different from what I saw at the time.
Also because of this Korean drama,
I just found myself recalling this experience,
It seems that there is no previous fear and resistance,
Probably time soft focus a lot of scary details, ha!

Just read my previous articles,
I should remember that my hearing is not very good,
Pronunciation is naturally not clear where to go,
I can't even hear or speak Chinese well.
Especially in English.

However, in order to fulfill the dream of going abroad alone,
I still went straight to Australia with a working holiday visa.
and luckily found a few jobs,
One of the jobs is a cleaner for a cleaning company.

Due to the remote location of the cleaning company,
Only one bus runs through the nearby area,
In addition, there are few bus trips.
To get to work on time,
I have to catch the first bus,
Shaking all the way to the stop sign closest to the company,
After getting off,
There is still a long way to go to get to the company.

Said the company, not the company,
Seriously, it's the boss's home and office.
Every morning, all the staff will gather on the lawn in front of the boss's house,
Except for a few local residents from Indonesia, China and Australia,
There are also many backpackers from various countries who came in on working holiday visas like me,
The boss will be divided into several groups according to the number of people required for each case.
They were sent to construction sites, homes, companies, schools and dormitories, etc.
After finishing the grouping,
After each group immediately replenished the cleaning agents and related utensils needed for today's work,
Run back to your van quickly,
Set off for today's workplace.
in a while,
The originally noisy lawn was suddenly empty.

On that day, there were not many cases,
I didn't get a job with a Taiwanese girl,
So the boss asked us to tidy up her courtyard,
I think it's fine,
At least one or two hourly wages,
Otherwise, this day is equivalent to running for nothing.

When we are almost done,
When preparing to pack up gardening tools,
The boss came suddenly,
Ask if we want to go to @#&@*&#?
my English is not good,
I don't understand what the boss says.
Later, a Taiwanese girl told me,
The boss wants us to do the death cleaning.

As soon as I heard the case was about death,
The whole scalp is numb,
But I also thought that because of the other jobs,
Has been hacked in front of the boss,
If the case is rejected,
May lose the job.

The Taiwanese girl mentioned that another colleague had also done a death clean before,
Just to help clean the house,
After hearing these words,
I'm also a little more at ease.
After discussion,
The two decided to accept the case.
After replenishing all cleaning supplies and utensils as quickly as possible,
Jump into the Taiwanese girl's car,
All the way to the scene.

When arriving at the location of the case,
I saw a two-story wooden house,
There are also many unknown trees planted around.
A medium van is parked on the lawn opposite the house,
Two Australians in white protective suits stood beside the car,
They wore gas masks with two canisters on their faces,
And his hands have already put on bright red anti-virus rubber gloves,
Their extremely discreet equipment,
As if implying this death cleanliness,
Not as simple as we thought.

Taiwanese girls asked them some questions,
We only know what's going on inside.
But because of the years,
I forgot what they said then,
Just remember that their task is to move the furniture out,
So let's clean up.

They also said,
It took a while for the body to be found.
So the smell in the house is very strong,
Very bad smell.
my English is not good,
But also from their expressions and actions,
Can guess what's going on inside the house,
I can't help but feel worried and afraid,

Maybe see us in short-sleeved T-shirts and work pants,
It looks like home cleaning.
They asked if we had masks ready,
We didn't expect this to happen at all,
Can only helplessly shook his head.

The Taiwanese girl decided to go into the house to check the situation,
Unexpectedly, she walked into the door a few seconds later,
Immediately rushed out the door,
Still retching,
Her reaction made me tremble instantly.
I don't know what to do!

After the two staff moved the bed in the house, they left.
They know we don't have any protective gear,
He also specially took off his respirator mask.
Let us protect ourselves while cleaning.

At the thought of wearing a respirator mask that strangers have used,
feel terrible,
But at that moment,
But it's a choice we have to make.

those cleaning supplies we brought,
The only thing that can protect us,
only thin transparent gloves,
Come to think of it now,
Still very grateful for the respirators they left behind.

The following content is a description of the murder scene, please enter with caution!

I tried my best to describe what I saw at the time.
It will be bloody though!
children under the age of 18,
A child who is afraid to see blood,
A child who gets dizzy at the sight of blood,
Now is the perfect time to press the previous page.
Warning again!
I was serious!
No kidding!
Please read carefully! !

As soon as you enter the door, it is a dark living room.
We bring all the cleaning utensils,
Go straight up the stairs to the room on the second floor,
Haven't entered the room yet,
The scene in front of us made us suddenly silent.

The floor of the room was flooded with bright red blood,
Take a closer look,
Only then did he realize that bright red blood had already flowed all the way to the stairs leading to the first floor.

We bite the bullet and enter the room,
Despite wearing the gas masks that the Australians gave us,
I can still smell the bloody smell,
I don't know how to describe that smell,
All in all, it's an unpleasant smell.

The two immediately opened the windows of the whole room,
Trying to let the smell of blood waft out,
It's frustrating that,
Opening the window doesn't help.
The smell of the room is still strong.

In order to report the situation of the house to the boss, the Taiwanese girl,
Especially took pictures of the inside of the house.
I just think she's amazing.
If it were me, I would never dare,
When I thought of the existence of that photo on my phone,
Just feel horrible.

I don't have much conversation with Taiwanese girls,
After discussing only the cleaning process,
Get to work immediately.
The two just want to get the job done quickly,
Good to leave the scene quickly.

After a closer look, in addition to blood on the floor,
and some viscous yellow and white liquid,
Although I am puzzled at the moment,
But don't dare to think too much.

Looking at a room full of blood about 1.5 to 2 centimeters in height,
We can only get the dry mop first,
Suck the blood from the floor with a mop,
Then screw the blood into the bucket.

By the way, don't get me wrong,
We are not a good god mop that is convenient and easy to use.
But the traditional mop made of white cotton yarn,
Then match the ordinary bucket with a simple wringer,
You have to turn the mop by hand to wring it dry.

again and again,
Wait until the bucket is 80% full of blood,
Speaking of toilet flushing,
Can't remember how many times we repeated,
The floor is finally dry,
Only two or three pieces of crimson blood remained.

To my distress, the mop couldn't remove the thick crimson blood stains.
We can only deal with it another way,
Pour the bleach and detergent first,
Then take the floor brush to scrub the floor.

I don't know if it was under the action of detergent or bleach.
After scrubbing,
Original dark red blood stains,
All turned into a large area of bright red blood.
To be honest, the picture in front of you,
Broke me a little bit.
I guess it's because of the color of those bloodstains,
It turned out to be brighter than the blood in a room,
I am so frightened!

Brushed for a while,
Only successfully removed the blood stains on the ground.
The most difficult part of the whole house has been cleaned,
We were also relieved.

Sunlight poured in from the window,
The dark room that used to be
After the floor was restored to its original appearance,
become extra bright.

Solved the floor part,
Next is wall cleaning.
Except for some blood splattered on the white wall,
There are also bloodstains left by the blood in a room on the wall,
The two sometimes sat, sometimes squatted,
took some time,
All the red marks on the white wall were wiped off.

After cleaning the room on the second floor,
We continued to clean up the blood from the second floor to the stairs and the first floor floor,
After checking and confirming that there is no blood in the house,
Just started cleaning the toilet.
Finally, the two quickly retreated into the car and returned to the company.

I can't remember the actual cleaning time now,
Maybe an hour or two.
But impressively,
On the way back to the company,
Although the two suffered a lot of shock in their hearts,
He also pretended to talk easily about unimportant things.

After returning to the company,
We removed all cleaning supplies from the trunk,
And return the supplies to their original places one by one.
completed all the processes,
I followed the Taiwanese girl to the boss's office,
The Taiwanese girl and the boss reported the house condition just now,
And showed the boss a picture of the scene.

What does the boss look like?
how did she respond,
Honestly I forgot,
Maybe because of poor English,
Maybe I'm still in a state of fright.
This memory, I am really blank.

The last two people are required to fill in the daily cleaning hours form,
After writing down the number of hours worked today,
The ceremony of leaving get off work was completed.

I live in the same district as a Taiwanese girl,
Less than a 10-minute walk away,
Fortunately, she dropped by to give me a ride,
Otherwise I'd have to take the bus home smelling of blood.
After more than 20 minutes, we arrived at the Taiwanese girl's home.

Although today's case is not too tiring,
but very tired,
on the way home alone,
I couldn't help shedding tears,
I never imagined,
well done work,
Why quit your job?
Why do I see such a terrible scene? !
Why the fuck did I come to Australia to do such a horrible job? !

After a small crash for just a few minutes,
I found that I was almost home,
Quickly organize your emotions,
So as not to scare the roommates.

The first thing I do when I get home,
Of course, you have to wash off the thick bloody smell first.
every corner of the body,
You have to wash it two or three times.
to make sure it's clean.
But I have to say,
This is the first time I've spent so much time in the shower.
Then take the clothes you just changed to the washing machine to wash.
Only really completed my purification ritual.

I chatted with my Taiwanese roommates about the process of cleaning the murder scene just now,
Those clothes and pants should be thrown away when the roommates cry.
Why are you still washing it?
I just realized that the public washing machine was contaminated by my clothes,
Ahem, I'm so sorry for those roommates!

I don't know which muscle is wrong before I go to work,
Suddenly want to wear brand new Converse canvas shoes to work,
Those kind Chinese colleagues a while ago were not the same size,
Especially for my Converse canvas shoes!
Although I don't like pink very much,
But at the moment of wearing it,
Still couldn't help but jump for joy.
It may be the worn shoes that have been worn for a long time,
It has been a long time since my feet were completely covered! what!

If I was wearing those ragged shoes,
The broken shoes that will silently soak the socks when you step into a puddle,
Gotta go to clean up the murder scene.
Then I must be more broken.
Fortunately, a bright light suddenly appeared in the morning,
My feet are safe!

Later I found out from my roommate,
That case before going to my cleaning company,
First I asked an Indian friend I don't know very well,
And gave a small cleaning fee.
They went to the murder scene,
I found out that the scene was more terrifying than I imagined.
Immediately without looking back, he ran away from the scene.

Because of the rejection of Indian friends,
This case will find my cleaning company,
In the end, it evolved into me and Taiwanese girls teaming up,
Cleaned the murder scene that should have been rejected by many people.

Later I heard,
There must have been a murder at the scene.
Otherwise, there would not be so much blood.
I was even more flabbergasted when I heard it.

So do we get some compensation for this?
Actually no, after all, we are just wage workers.
If I remember correctly,
The boss has something special in this case,
Help us increase our original hourly wages by one or two Australian dollars,
And after the case cleaning,
I was transferred back to the original hourly rate again, ahem!

I thought things would get better after that,
It's not that simple.
In the weeks after the site was cleared,
In addition to being afraid to eat foods related to ketchup,
I am also afraid of seeing red and sticky dishes.

I became super afraid of the dark,
Don't dare to walk in the dark alone,
It's already very old,
Because of this, it became even more embarrassing.

After half a month, I left the cleaning company,
Traveling by car with friends,
A few days after the journey started,
A phone number from Taiwan appeared on my NOKIA phone,
scared me.

Since coming to Australia,
In order to call home to report safety,
I would buy a few Lucky Dragon international calling cards, which were very good and very valuable at the time,
Almost every two or three weeks I'm calling home and arguing with my mom.

This time, my mother, who had never contacted me, actually called,
It means that I suddenly dreamed of me a while ago,
Didn't wait for my call.
That's why I made a special phone call.

me on the other end of the phone,
Immediately there were tears in my eyes,
Could it be that this is the so-called telepathy between mother and daughter?

But I still didn't say anything,
It's just that the work is hard work,
Tell her not to worry or something.
I was afraid that she would collapse when she learned the truth.
Want me to quickly end my working life in Australia,
Immediately return to Taiwan.

I have put this in my mind for a long time,
Only acquaintances know this special experience,
I'm not particularly assertive.
After all, every time I mention it,
I have to think back to that scene again!
Later, I accidentally saw the Japanese movie "The Farewell: The Movement of the Etiquette Master" on the movie station,
Just relieved a lot.

One day last year,
I finally confessed this to my mother.
Her reaction was not as drastic as I thought!
Probably because I omitted a lot of details, ha!

Although this secret has been hidden for a long time,
The moment you speak,
I was also inexplicably relieved,
It's so refreshing! what!

Now think about it,
There is such a special experience in life,
It also feels amazing!


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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