Mars that makes your heart pound

Mars, a planet with momentum, made you full of enthusiasm at the time, and after the influence of fate, you found the gap in reality. When rationality returns, you will find those faces you ignored, and once you find that you can't stand it, you will will end the relationship.

There are many different ways to look at luck in astrology. The most detailed way to see the daily development is the transit chart .

On the natal chart, the birth chart will be compared with the celestial chart to see what aspects of the astrological chart fall on the natal chart to maintain and produce.

Among them, there is a fierce aspect between the day and the natal chart, which generally represents the triggering of related events, at least silently brewing.

There are many planets in the astrolabe. Of course, human beings cannot feel the influence of each star on themselves, just as we cannot describe all the things we see in front of us, we can only remember and clearly describe the objects on which our minds are focused. .

So when an explosive, more influential planet has a violent aspect, we can wake up to the shock: something big happens, a secret is suddenly revealed.


 Whenever an event occurs suddenly and emotionally, viewing the transit disk is presumably associated with Mars.

Mars is ruled by Aries, which represents willpower and has violent destructive power. It can make people speak out what they have been afraid to say in their hearts, and can also make people have a passion in an unimaginable opportunity. amour.

When I was reading the chart for a friend, I found that there was a Mars in the 5th house of his solar return chart and it was conjunct Venus. He really quickly entered a love that year, and broke up the next year.

Mars, a planet with momentum, made you full of enthusiasm at the time, and after the influence of fate, you found the gap in reality. When rationality returns, you will find those faces you ignored, and once you find that you can't stand it, you will will end the relationship.

In classical astrology, Mars is considered a malefic star, while modern astrology focuses on the appearance of Mars, such as it symbolizes willpower, action, survival, etc. It will bring violent conflict and short-term. Influence.

Mars usually stays in a house for two months, but does this mean that every house Mars passes through will make you feel its violence? Not really.

When Mars is in a sign that makes it powerful, such as the ruler Aries, it will have the most complete effect, and when it is in aspect with other planets, it will bring about a more powerful effect, especially Jupiter, Trinity Very influential planets like Venus, once they have aspects of 0, 90, and 180 degrees, most of them will make people's heart skip a beat.

In any case, it is a star that makes it impossible for humans to notice its existence and even be wary of it.

When looking at what's going on in the world, use the astronomical disk to see the role that Mars plays in it.

Cover image credit: A Koolshooter from Pexels


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