[Good book sharing] Improve work efficiency and grasp fragmented time: "My day has 27 hours"


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[Reading Notes] Improve work efficiency and grasp fragmented time: "My day has 27 hours"

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Today I want to share the book "My Day Has 27 Hours: Creating Your Own 3 Hours of Life" written by Satoshi Kimura. The Super Organization of Work" (あなたの1日は27hoursになる), by improving work efficiency, completing work early at 3 pm, and using the rest of the time to develop interests, continue to learn and grow, and cultivate new skills.

The book is divided into 4 parts, namely "adjusting the rhythm of the day", "eliminating traffic jams at work", "making the work environment more efficient", and "improving the speed of work". The author believes that it is not necessary to achieve all the goals at one time. , but divided into 4 weeks, implemented step by step, gradually change their mentality, and adjust the original pace of life.

By adjusting the daily life rhythm, the daily life from working overtime to catching the last bus is adjusted to entering the office early in the morning to work overtime. In addition to developing the good habit of going to bed early and getting up early, it is quieter in the morning and the brain is more awake. Under the circumstance, you can speed up your work efficiency and master the rhythm of your day's work in advance.

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In the face of the constant influx of work, it often causes traffic jams. By not thinking too much, start directly, subdivide the original work into small tasks, lower the standards or thresholds of self-requirements, etc., to resolve the work. In the traffic jam state, or in the process of work, allow yourself to have a daze in a timely manner, or use the Pomodoro work method, work for 25 minutes and rest for 5 minutes, alternating between concentration and relaxation.

You can also make work more efficient by transforming the existing work environment, such as digitizing paper data, using the synchronization function of cloud hard disk and evernote, and returning items to their original places, saving time to find things. The fixed location arrangement method, or the method of arranging the files into forty-three folders according to the month and date according to the time to be used.

The last method is to increase the speed of work. The work is not to overcome all difficulties, but to find a way to complete the work without effort, easily and quickly, such as determining the placement position and distance according to the frequency of use of the item. Circulation management method, or estimate the amount of work that you can complete in a day, plan a little more work than expected, make yourself challenging and not give up easily.

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After reading this book, I feel that I have learned a lot of management skills, which can improve my work efficiency, but I think the real important thing is not to learn these skills, but to have the courage to challenge the existing framework, especially in a long-term overtime work. In the workplace environment, plucking up the courage to leave work on time, or refusing to entertain after get off work, may be viewed differently by others, and may even be considered by supervisors as too easy to work, and thus be increased in business.

Finally, if you want to have an extra 3 hours a day, you can develop your own interests or continue to improve your skills. In addition to using the above methods, what is really important is the determination not to give up and compromise, and to hone your skills. The tenacious spirit of "it doesn't matter what others think of me", refuses unnecessary social interaction, and regains the dominance of his own life.

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