si Kaoru|Draw as you like|Sketch watercolor 19│Sketching from life

Looking at the teacher's paintings and drawing my own freehand sketches, I have become fascinated by the flowing color changes. I feel really healing. I have to work hard and practice so that the teacher can see my progress.
freehand sketching

This sketch assignment is the last assignment. The teacher took the classmates to sketch outside. The weather was fine. I couldn’t go because of my waist injury. I was really disappointed. own work.

Subject: Sketching

Content: The teacher leads the students to sketch outdoors. The teacher demonstrates the places to pay attention to when sketching, the source of light, and how to present the theme. Watching the teacher's painting is very freehand and relaxing, and it is really healing. There are two classes in our sketching class. Don, I only went to it once, which is really amazing, because I admire the ability of others to sketch from life, the sense of freehand is awesome!

I like the freehand brushwork of watercolor very much. Although watercolor is difficult for me to control, the water flow of watercolor and the change of smudge fascinate me. The change of color palette is even more surprising. No one can completely reproduce it. Magical place.

In particular, the teacher always uses color, very comfortable and freehand, and it feels very healing. I think this is the most enjoyable part of painting watercolors. Although I feel a lot of frustration, it is very challenging, and I completely follow my heart. Painting, I really like this feeling.

Freehand sketching.

In the last class, I sat for a long time because of my back injury and did not draw for a long time. I finally finished the last homework. Although I didn't listen to and feel it on site this time, I watched the teacher's painting and drew my own freehand sketches. I was already fascinated by this flow The color change of my body feels really healing. I have to work hard and practice so that the teacher can see my progress.


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si薰金融業的我 斜槓人生 面對未來,換一種心情 面對工作,换一種思維 面對自己,誠實以對 面對別人,輕鬆以對 新的年度,新的目標
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