World Book Day - Book Recommendations | Zoom In: How To Amplify Your Little Talent

Today is World Reading Day, and I recommend a good book for everyone. The name of the book is Zoom: How to Zoom in on Your Little Talent

on World Book Day

In 1995, UNESCO designated April 23 as World Book and Copyright Day (or World Book and Copyright Day).

Most people later called today World Book Day or World Book Day.

On April 23, 1616, Cervantes and Shakespeare died. April 23 is also associated with the births and deaths of other great authors, such as Inka Garciraso de la Vega, Nabokov, Haldor Laxnes, Maurice Toowon, Ho West Bra and Manuel Vallejo and others. So, the worldwide tribute to the book and its author on April 23 naturally became the choice of the UN General Assembly. This is to encourage everyone, especially young people, to discover the joy of reading and to gain new respect for those who contribute to the advancement of human society and culture. The idea for the celebration stems from the Catalan custom of St. George's Day: roses are included with the book sale that day.

With World Book Day, I strongly recommend a good book for everyone, if you are running or planning to run a personal brand or self-media, no matter what kind of talent or expertise you have, what type of content creator you are, good at writing Whether it’s a video or a video, this book is worth reading, and it’s worth spending more time digesting the teachings, examples, and how to transform its core essence into a suitable way for you to practice step by step.

In fact, this book was purchased online at the beginning of the year and has been at home for a long time. At the end of last month, I concentrated on reading a little bit every day, and I only read half of it for the time being, but it has brought me a lot of ways to use it that I have never thought of before. Unknown secret.

Amplify: How to Amplify Your Little Talent

Book Lending Name - Zoom: How to Zoom in on Your Little Talent

Author: Chi Cheng

Publisher: CITIC Publishing Group

Publication date: August 2020

About the Author: Chi Cheng

CEO of Giant Earth Culture, Master of Applied Finance from Monash University.

In 2011, he entered the new media industry, and served as the new media director of "Mustard Study Abroad", operating a matrix of millions of accounts.

In 2016, he signed a contract with Socket Academy as a new media lecturer. Provided new media training for well-known enterprises such as PetroChina, China Construction Bank, China Resources,, and Marriott Hotel Group.

In 2017, "Jutu Culture" was founded, focusing on IP incubation, training consultation and resource integration in the new media industry.

Its WeChat public accounts include: Jutu Culture, Mustard Weibo, Salted Fish Yan Institute.

Its products include: "New Media Writing Knowledge Map", "New Media Writing Map 2.0", etc.

Since 2018, three new media courses have been launched, with over 10,000 participants.

Why recommend?

Personal brand, I have been building it continuously since 2017, but because I did not consistently and intensively produce high-quality content, such as text writing, content that most people are interested in, or current situation sharing, the performance that can attract people's attention is sometimes There is no time, the amount of support will vary greatly, so last year on New Year's Eve, there was a goal, and this year, we must re-learn and improve.

In the era of new media, "magnifying" one's own little talent has become everyone's underlying ability. From finding a suitable platform and content direction to how to conduct content operation, user operation, and commercial monetization, this book combines a large number of real or fictional cases to teach you step by step how to magnify your little talent, quickly build a personal brand, and increase your followers to monetize. even change fate.

"Zoom in" methodology validated by thousands of trainees. The author of this book has been deeply involved in the self-media industry for nearly ten years. He has traded multiple million-level IPs and has profound insights into the self-media industry. At the same time, the PlanX We Media Empowerment Academy created by the author has successfully helped thousands of students to magnify their little talents and make money with them.

This book refers to the operation of magnifying small talents. It is necessary to understand the gameplay in the new media era and its core principles.

They all have formulas that make it easier for us to calculate your expected results.

Whether you want to make money from small talents or build your personal brand and social media presence, there are a few points that must be clearly written.

1. Clarify your personal position

Find out your little talents and strengths, and let people know who you are by profile and continuous output creation or sharing.

2. From flow to quality

Fans and works must start with traffic, and then slowly become quality. This is the only way.

3. Forward to your Moments and other communities

If you rely on your own power, it is difficult for your self-media brand to grow rapidly, so you must leverage the power of other circles to be seen by them, and even reposted. For example, if you share with 100 people, how many views will you generate? , the number of comments, the number of likes, the number of followers, how many people in these 100 people will share your work, and then fission will generate more traffic, it must be special

It should be noted that in the circle you share directly, you must receive the most traffic, and then the traffic received from the next circle will decrease gradually at each level. This is an eternal law.

4. Build your first loyal following

This is based on the traffic of each platform. This book means that the first batch of loyal fans is 1,000 people, but it refers to those platforms with large traffic, such as Kuaishou, Douyin, Xiaohongshu, etc. If it is applied to non-Chinese ones The platform, I think, should have 100-300 loyal fans initially. Loyal fans refer to your long-term and stable supporters, who often like and leave messages for interactions, and are even willing to help share.

In the future, I will integrate my personal brand experience, current self-media management, and how to amplify your little talents mentioned in this book into some sharing. I hope everyone can learn from each other, grow together, and exert their respective influences together. , to bring more positive energy in life to the people around you.

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