Cosmos Philosophy | Occupational Diseases of Philosophers

HJ|Chaos to Cosmos
Philosophers can be said to be the best group of people in the world who like to research the ultimate principles of things the most. They use their rational thinking ability and unique language to express all kinds of strange and profound thoughts in their minds.

Philosophers can be said to be the best group of people in the world who like to research the ultimate principles of things the most . They use their rational thinking ability and unique language to express all kinds of strange and profound thoughts in their minds.

To engage in this professional work, in the final analysis, the research equipment they need may only be a piece of paper and a pen . They are always able to use the fewest resources to create the richest cultural assets, and these capabilities are indeed not available to most people.


The neat thing is that the vast majority of people in society have the impression that philosophers are logical and well-organized. If you think deeply about this compliment: " I think your logic is very good ." You will find that in this sentence, a certain way of thinking has already been presupposed to be the pattern in their hearts, and setting that way of thinking is called "" The logic is good ."

Most people presuppose the form in advance, and think that conforming to that form of thinking is sufficient to call it "logic." It's even more interesting if they already know what logic is, but don't think they can think the way they want to.

Maybe more people will say this: what people can imagine, never means people can achieve. In other words, being able to come up with something and being able to achieve it are two different things. So, isn't this an admission that human thinking itself is indeed transcendent ?

Feel and Reflect

Every time we speak or use language, at this moment, the brain always sets a certain operating mechanism as a principle. Apart from that, we cannot express other ineffable things. The finiteness of language should be like this. It is obviously not able to achieve the state envisioned in the heart , or some things that cannot be done, but still can imagine , experience , and even empathize with it.

The characteristic of thinking is that it is constantly surpassing this moment. Every thought is a unique thinking ability of human beings. He is expressing a certain attitude of being willing to try and create more possibilities. Thoughts must be different from reality. When people think about their thoughts, they also reflect on and examine themselves , and examine what their current self is .

People always have the potential to surpass themselves, to generate changes in thousands of attempts and to point to the final destination. The limit of logic is illogical . For example, in the constitutional statutes that symbolize the supreme authority, there must be an entry stating that "the constitution is the supreme law ." Paradoxically, this clause itself should be higher than the constitution, so it can define or give constitutional value.

One has always had to set some kind of benchmark on which to judge life, to detect the various self-referential contradictions possible in everyday life. That's really the job of the philosopher, and philosophy as a profession also means being able to put the value of the thing into full play - for this we call it the profession of philosophy.

Reflect, reflect, but don't overdo it

Just like Socrates' character, he is like a gadfly disturbing people's peaceful life. It is true that life does not require in-depth rational thinking , and it is possible to live comfortably and comfortably , but for him, that is the greatest contempt for life .

People who can discover themselves and reflect deeply cannot live easily. As they thought so, they simultaneously decided to walk down a path that required stumbling blocks. The ability to point to oneself is precious , because ordinary people are reluctant to do so even if they have the ability .

Let alone in the face of faith, believers do not know whether they can experience the existence of God in their daily life, let alone think deeply about the meaning of the existence of theology or religion itself. too difficult thing.

However, if you think about it carefully, you will find that it is not difficult to think a little more and say "why?" a little more. However, thinking about God , or self-referential reflection , needs to be thought twice before adding to the conversation. Don't be too easy to join these, it's really easy to feel oppressive , but also because of this, we are always unique.


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HJ|Chaos to Cosmos我們不說再見,我們在路上見| 多感善愁、哲思玄想與永遠拒絕政治正確的小天地 Chaos意即混亂、混沌,Cosmos代表規律、秩序的宇宙 寫作,對我而言,便是從雜多當中找回理解與共感的可能
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