【TCLin's Travel Log】Life in Hong Kong: Fishing in Saigon🐟🐟

A rare life experience, go out to fish~ ⛴ ⛴

🔴 - Not the latest information, for reference only

Today, I will share a personal experience that I find quite interesting.

Location: Saigon, Hong Kong
Purpose: to go out to sea fishing
◆ Fishing in Saigon◆ Source: I

I got up early and went to sea with my friend because my friend's father is a fisherman, so I had this experience itinerary

◆ Fishing in Saigon◆ Source: I

Let's take a look at the cockpit. There are many instruments. This is my first meeting.

◆ Fishing in Saigon◆ Source: I

Open it, and when you get to where you think you can, just cast a net and go fishing🐟🐟🐟

◆ Fishing in Saigon◆ Source: I

Look at the time, and when I think it's almost time, I'm ready to put the net up.

As shown in the picture below, slowly roll it back and roll it. It's actually quite tiring for a long time. For people like me who are in contact for the first time

◆ Fishing in Saigon◆ Source: I

After the net was taken back, it started to sort the fish. There were professionals on the scene.

I just came to flower arrangement to experience how to collect fishing nets for the first time, it was interesting but also quite tiring

All walks of life have their own majors, and each industry is a knowledge

It is impossible for someone to understand every field, so we must know how to respect professionalism and not make false statements.


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