【The 23 kinds of bad karma mentioned in the Ksitigarbha Sutra】


【The 23 kinds of bad karma mentioned in the Ksitigarbha Sutra】

In the event of a murderer, it is said that Sushang is short-lived.

If you encounter a thief, you will be rewarded with poverty and suffering.

If you encounter an evildoer, you will say that the birds, pigeons, and mandarin ducks will report.

If you encounter a bad mouth, you will say that your relatives will fight and repay you.

If you encounter slanderers, you will say that you have no tongue sores.

If you meet someone who is angry, you will say that you are ugly and bad.

If you meet someone who is stingy, you will say that what you ask for will go against your will.

In the event of an uncontrolled diet, it is said that hunger, thirst and sore throat will be reported.

If you meet someone who is hunting unrestrained love, you will be reported to be horrified and killed.

If you meet someone who disobeys your parents, you will say that the heaven and earth will kill you.

If you encounter someone who burns mountains and forests, you will say that you will die if you are crazy.

If you encounter a vicious parent before and after, you will be rewarded if you say that you will be beaten by rebirth.

If the net catches the hatchlings, it will be reported that the flesh is separated.

If you encounter someone who slanders the Three Jewels, you will say that you are blind, deaf and dumb.

If you meet someone who is light-handed and slow to teach, you will always be punished by the evil way.

If it encounters a permanent resident, it will be said that it will be rewarded in the hell of reincarnation for hundreds of millions of kalpas.

If you encounter a person who slanders the holy monks, you will say that you will be rewarded by animals forever.

If you encounter a fire that cuts off the wounded, it is said that reincarnation will give you retribution.

If one breaks the precepts and breaks the fast, it will be said that the beasts are hungry.

In the event of an unreasonable use of it, it will be said that what you seek will never be repaid.

If I meet someone who pays high tribute to me, it will be said to be humble and lowly rewarded.

If there are two tongues fighting each other, it will be said that there is no tongue and a hundred tongues.

If you encounter someone with wrong views, say that you will be reborn in the borderlands.

In this way, waiting for the sentient beings in Jambudi, the deeds of body, speech and mind, the result of bad habits, hundreds of thousands of retributions, this is a rough description.

In this way, after waiting for the difference in the sense of karma among sentient beings in Jambudi, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva will teach and transform them in a hundred thousand ways. All sentient beings first receive such retribution, and then fall into hell.

- "The Basic Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva"


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