Forgotten Travelloggers Voyage Log

Found your Little Orange Book badge? It is the logbook.

Yesterday, I accidentally noticed my account avatar. I don't know when I added a small book and a small orange book badge. I pressed it down and found out again, I am a Travellogger from Matt Universe!

The account avatar has a small orange book badge

Yes, I'm Travellogger #539 , a compassionate, pragmatic Zhenya! (A compassionate, pragmatist Zhenya).

After winning the Travellogger in the airdrop event, I haven't interacted with my Travellogger, and I also missed the Travelloggers logbook event held by Matty: "The Logbook function of the logbook is online! Matt Citizen X Traveloggers: Write Your 140 Words (Give Gas Fee)" .

So, look for some of the earlier introduction articles, how to use this little orange book: "Discover the Little Orange Book 🍊|Travellogs and Avatars of Travelloggers Landing in Matt City" , "Guide to the Use of the Logbook Logbook|How to" Write text messages on your Travelloggers? " .

First, press the [Little Orange Book Badge] on your account avatar, and you will enter the "Voyage Log" page.

Navigation log section, see your own Travellogger

Press [Voyage Log Collection] to see the logbooks of other Travelloggers.

Voyage logs of other Travelloggers

Bind your own account and e-wallet before writing the sailing log.

Link Account and Wallet

Press your own [Travellogger] and see that there is no log written yet.

Enter your own Travellogger log

Here comes the point!

First, a logbook is not a "logbook".


*The owner can only write a record once during the period of holding Travelloggers.
*The content of the Logbook will be published on the Ethereum blockchain. Once the content is published, it cannot be modified or deleted.

So, cherish every word in the logbook!

The voyage log can only be written once and cannot be modified or deleted!

Second, GAS FEE.

Because it is published on the Ethereum blockchain, a fee will be charged, and the more text, the higher the fee. Also, not US dollars or Hong Kong dollars, nor LIKECOIN, only ETH.

Third, write to the sailing log

Write to the sailing log and automatically estimate the required GAS FEE

Follow the steps above to publish your own logbook.


Huh, why can't I find my #539 logbook?

Sorry, haven't written yet! ! !

Because...I don't have ether yet. ><"

Therefore, the fourth key point is that in addition to focusing on creation, we must also pay attention to Matt Market's activities and deadlines. If you miss it, you may lose the free opportunity.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

logbook icon
穿林莫聽穿林打葉聲,何妨吟嘯且徐行。 竹杖芒鞋輕勝馬,誰怕?一蓑煙雨任平生。 料峭春風吹酒醒,微冷,山頭斜照卻相迎。 回首向來蕭瑟處,歸去,也無風雨也無晴。 蘇軾 - 定風波
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