[Baker wants to enjoy] I played the biggest function of "it"

The fact that "the other half is approached" is actually quite complicated: I don't want him/her to be harassed; I feel that I have a good vision, but I don't care, except for accustomed to it, after all, "it" plays the biggest role the role of...

"Look, husband, what is this?"
My wife who just got home from get off work suddenly stretched out the back of her right hand in front of me, "Right hand?"
"🙄️No! Look carefully."

"Oh, ring, what's wrong?"
"You know what I'm using it for today? I used it to its fullest potential!"

"Clam? Cut the paper with the drill on it?"
"...I'll use it to block the peach blossoms🤣"

It turned out that my wife was approached by a guest who was about 30 years old that day.
When she introduced the product, a sentence suddenly appeared:
"Excuse me...are you single?"

"Of course... not ah 😁!"
Just as proudly took out the back of her hand...

I don't know what you think about " my other partner was approached ". Although I don't really care about it? ! But because I am the kind of person who doesn't like a wife who dresses too revealingly, I was once said by my friends "too big a man, too much care, and a beautiful wife to save face...", so I sometimes feel that Is this really not good...

" What should I do when other men keep watching ?" I think there must be people in my comrade who understand my good intentions😭, but this time I really didn't care that much...really...

However, I found two interesting things about this event:

Boys are much less likely to be accused than girls!

As far as I remember, I have heard my wife being approached three times. From childhood to adulthood, all the people who heard "being approached" were girls, so I had to think like this: "It really doesn't matter how I look, it's just because of me. It's a boy."

It is obviously " women chasing men's interlayer yarn ", but under the premise of such a high success rate, there are few examples of girls' confessions. I think it is probably because the " stereotypes " created by Chinese culture for thousands of years are really not so easy to complete. Mi Ping. The impression that "boys should be brave to pursue girls" really keeps appearing in the subconscious even in modern times that have advocated equality between men and women for many years. The shock of the scene of "confessions of girls" actually appearing in front of you can be imagined. The " hard -won" opportunity may be the origin of " that layer of yarn "!

So I really don't care much, after all, it's human nature and a subconscious stereotype! Don't worry too much about this trick with a low success rate, right!

We always reveal our hearts when we ask questions

If you wanted to strike up a conversation with someone of the opposite sex, what would you ask? "Are you single?" or "Do you have a boyfriend?" I feel like both are fine, but in fact the former appears more often, because you actually want the other person to be single , and you don't want to hear "Oh I have a boyfriend"; coupled with the tension, this short sentence can express the meaning more efficiently, and at the same time catch the other party by surprise, so that it is more inclined to answer "yes" than "no", and the result becomes Even if it is wrong, I can hear the answer I want at least once, which makes people feel safe.

It turned out to be a person who expresses his inner thoughts tensely and frankly! There must be no emotional experience, I will let him go!

The above content is purely personal opinion, please don't go too deep into the play.

Because my wife usually tries to arouse my "jealousy" in various ways, the above trick is just one of them,

Saying that a certain male star is very handsome, a young male colleague recently came here, and being said by so and so is very beautiful... but it can't cause me too much reaction🙄️

Just through this interesting daily chat with you about the inner thoughts of "the other half was approached".

I don't know if you will be "stimulated" by this? What kind of mental state do you still have? Welcome to discuss!

I'm Baker, I'm a physical therapist,

son, brother,

Husband, son-in-law...

When wearing or not wearing a therapeutic gown,

normal, usual,

commonplace everyday,

Joy, anger, sadness, and joy, all want to share with you;

Sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, I want you to taste it too.

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